
Conquering the Code: 150 Must-Solve Coding Assessments


                        Photo by olia danilevich

In the world of software engineering, interviews can be quite challenging. They often involve a series of

coding assessments that test not only your knowledge but also your problem-solving skills, algorithmic

thinking, and coding proficiency. The quest to secure your dream job can be daunting, but with

determination and the right approach, it's entirely achievable.

The Journey Begins I embarked on a journey to tackle these coding assessments head-on. I committed myself to completing

150 of the most must-solve coding challenges, and the experience was nothing short of transformative. This blog post is not just a bragging right; it's an insight into how I managed to overcome the hurdles

and what motivated me throughout the journey. My goal is to inspire and guide those of you who are on

a similar path. So, here are some valuable takeaways and motivations to help you be well-prepared for

coding assessments:

Motivation for the Journey 1. Persistence is Key The road to mastering coding challenges is not a sprint; it's a marathon. There will be times when you're

stuck on a seemingly unsolvable problem, and you might feel like giving up. But remember, the key to

success is persistence. Every challenge you overcome makes you a better coder. 2. Consistency Trumps All It's not about how many hours you put in a day but about how consistently you keep at it. Even if you

can only spare 30 minutes a day, stick to your schedule. Consistency is your secret weapon. 3. Embrace the Struggle Don't be discouraged by your mistakes and failures. Each one is a stepping stone to success. Every

time you struggle, you're learning, and the progress may not be immediately visible, but it's happening. 4. Learn to Manage Time Time management is crucial in coding assessments. Learn to allocate time for problem-solving, coding,

debugging, and testing. Practice under timed conditions to improve your efficiency. 5. Break Down Problems Complex coding challenges can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks.

Tackle each subproblem one at a time, and you'll be surprised how the solution comes together.

The Rewards of Preparedness Completing 150 coding assessments for interviews isn't just about the number; it's about the journey.

By staying persistent, consistent, and embracing the struggle, I've grown not just as a coder but as a

problem solver. Your journey may be different, but the principles remain the same. Remember, every coding assessment

you tackle is a step closer to your dream job. Your hard work will be rewarded, and your skills will shine

during interviews. Now, armed with the experience and wisdom gained from these 150 challenges, I'm ready for whatever

interviews throw at me. My coding skills are sharper than ever, and I'm excited about the opportunities

that lie ahead. So, if you're on a similar journey, keep pushing forward, stay committed, and embrace every coding

challenge. The path may be tough, but the rewards are worth it. Your dream job is closer than you think. You can get many code assessments in LeetCode.

Happy coding! You can get hundreds of important coding test scripts here https://github.com/dhirajpatra/python_important_practice

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