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Showing posts from December 8, 2009

Wholesale Customer Solution with Magento Commerce

The client want to have a shop where regular customers to be able to see products with their retail price, while Wholesale partners to see the prices with ? discount. The extra condition: retail and wholesale prices hasn’t mathematical dependency. So, a product could be $100 for retail and $50 for whole sale and another one could be $60 retail and $50 wholesale. And of course retail users should not be able to see wholesale prices at all. Basically, I will explain what I did step-by-step, but in order to understand what I mean, you should be familiar with the basics of Magento. 1. Creating two magento websites, stores and views (Magento meaning of website of course) It’s done from from System->Manage Stores. The result is: Website | Store | View ———————————————— Retail->Retail->Default Wholesale->Wholesale->Default Both sites using the same category/product tree 2. Setting the price scope in System->Configuration->Catalog->Catalog->Price set drop-down to...