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Showing posts from June 8, 2024

Telegram Bot for Monitoring Summarizing and Sending Periodic Qverviews of Channel Posts

  pexel To develop a Telegram bot for monitoring, summarizing, and sending periodic overviews of channel posts, follow these steps: Step 1: Set Up Your Environment 1. Install Python : Ensure you have Python installed on your system. 2. Install Required Libraries :     ```python     pip install python-telegram-bot requests beautifulsoup4     ``` Step 2: Create the Telegram Bot 1. Create a Bot on Telegram : Talk to [@BotFather]( to create a new bot. Note the API token provided. Step 3: Develop the Bot 1. Monitor Telegram Channels :     ```python     from telegram import Bot, Update     from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, CallbackContext     import requests     from bs4 import BeautifulSoup     TOKEN = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'     CHANNELS = ['@example_channel_1', '@example_channel_2']     SUMMARY_PERIOD = 6...