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Showing posts from March 11, 2013

Getting Started with Nginx and PHP-FPM

Nginx , a HTTP and reverse proxy server, known for its blazing speed in serving static files, including grand performance in terms of serving up FastCGI pages makes for a great coupling with the upcoming  PHP-FPM  sapi in PHP (It is currently in the 5.3 branch and previously was a patch) offer a great solution for finally getting rid of that old sloppy mod_php in Apache. Do you have the same issue where your apache instances have started to run too large? This might be the time to start to move forward. A little background on why I have endeavored on this path. While running Apache at several jobs and institutions it simply became clear that under heavier traffic loads having all of the ridged custom components of Apache were starting to slow things down. To the point of large instances running sometimes up to 300MB in size. Having this size just to get a simple image or PHP page was just not necessary as well as proved to be a performance bottleneck. While the first po...