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Showing posts with the label docker

Convert Docker Compose to Kubernetes Orchestration

If you already have a Docker Compose based application. And you may want to orchestrate the containers with Kubernetes. If you are new to Kubernetes then you can search various articles in this blog or Kubernetes website. Here's a step-by-step plan to migrate your Docker Compose application to Kubernetes: Step 1: Create Kubernetes Configuration Files Create a directory for your Kubernetes configuration files (e.g., k8s-config). Create separate YAML files for each service (e.g., api.yaml, pgsql.yaml, mongodb.yaml, rabbitmq.yaml). Define Kubernetes resources (Deployments, Services, Persistent Volumes) for each service. Step 2: Define Kubernetes Resources Deployment YAML Example (api.yaml) YAML apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata:   name: api-deployment spec:   replicas: 1   selector:     matchLabels:       app: api   template:     metadata:       labels:         app: api     spec:...

Microservices Application with Flutter Flask MongoDB RabbitMQ

A complete microservice application setup with a Flutter app, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ, along with all the necessary files and folder structure. The setup uses Docker Compose to orchestrate the services. Folder Structure ``` microservice-app/ │ ├── backend/ │   ├── Dockerfile │   ├── requirements.txt │   ├── │   └── │ ├── frontend/ │   ├── Dockerfile │   ├── pubspec.yaml │   └── lib/ │       └── main.dart │ ├── docker-compose.yml └── ``` 1. `docker-compose.yml` ```yaml version: '3.8' services:   backend:     build: ./backend     container_name: backend     ports:       - "8000:8000"     depends_on:       - mongodb       - rabbitmq     environment:       - MONGO_URI=mongodb://mongodb:27017/flutterdb       - RABBITMQ_URI=amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq...

Code Generation Engine Concept

Architecture Details for Code Generation Engine (Low-code) 1. Backend Framework: - Python Framework:   - FastAPI: A modern, fast (high-performance) web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.   - SQLAlchemy: SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for database management.   - Jinja2: A templating engine for rendering dynamic content.   - Pydantic: Data validation and settings management using Python type annotations. 2. Application Structure: - Project Root:   - `app/`     - `` (Entry point of the application)     - `models/`       - `` (Database models)     - `schemas/`       - `` (Data validation schemas)     - `api/`       - `endpoints/`         - `` (Endpoints related to code generation)     - `core/`       - `` (Configu...

Compare Ububtu and MacOS

  Features #Ubuntu Desktop #macOS Overall developer experience: Ubuntu Offers a seamless, powerful platform that mirrors production environments on cloud, server, and IoT deployments. A top choice for AI and machine learning developers. macOS Provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface with seamless integration across other Apple devices. Its well-documented resources and developer tools make it attractive for developers within the Apple ecosystem. #Cloud development: Ubuntu Aligns with Ubuntu Server, the most popular OS on public clouds, for simplified cloud-native development. Supports cloud-based developer tools like #Docker , LXD, MicroK8s, and #Kubernetes . Ensures portability and cost optimisation since it can run on any private or public cloud platform. macOSRelies on Docker and other #virtualisation technologies for cloud development. Has seamless integration with iCloud services and native support for cloudbased application development. #Server operations: Ubuntu...

Reproducibility of Python

Ensuring the reproducibility of Python statistical analysis is crucial in research and scientific computing. Here are some ways to achieve reproducibility: 1. Version Control Use version control systems like Git to track changes in your code and data. 2. Documentation Document your code, methods, and results thoroughly. 3. Virtual Environments Use virtual environments like conda or virtualenv to manage dependencies and ensure consistent package versions. 4. Seed Values Set seed values for random number generators to ensure reproducibility of simulations and modeling results. 5. Data Management Use data management tools like Pandas and NumPy to ensure data consistency and integrity. 6. Testing Write unit tests and integration tests to ensure code correctness and reproducibility. 7. Containerization Use containerization tools like Docker to package your code, data, and dependencies into a reproducible environment. 8. Reproducibility Tools Utilize tools like Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab...

MySql with Docker

Running a MySQL database in a Docker container is straightforward. Here are the steps: Pull the Official MySQL Image: The official MySQL image is available on Docker Hub. You can choose the version you want (e.g., MySQL 8.0): docker pull mysql:8.0 Create a Docker Volume (Optional): To persist your database data, create a Docker volume or bind mount. Otherwise, data will be lost when the container restarts. Example using a volume: docker volume create mysql-data Run the MySQL Container: Use the following command to start a MySQL container: docker run --name my-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -v mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:8.0 Replace secret with your desired root password. The MySQL first-run routine will take a few seconds to complete. Check if the database is up by running: docker logs my-mysql Look for a line that says “ready for connections.” Access MySQL Shell: To interact with MySQL, attach to the container and run the mysql command: docker exec -it my-mysql mysql -p...