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Learn Go Within One Month

  Learning Go in a Month: A Step-by-Step Plan This plan is designed to equip programmers with the fundamentals of Go within a month. It assumes some prior programming experience but not necessarily in Go. Let's dive in: Week 1: Setting Up and Core Concepts Installation: Download and install Go from the official website . Verify the installation by running go version in your terminal. Basics: Start with core concepts like variables, data types (int, string, bool etc.), operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical), control flow (if-else, for loops). Functions: Learn how to define functions with parameters, return values, and function calls. Understand function scope and visibility. Packages: Explore the concept of packages in Go for code organization and reusability. Learn how to import and use functions from external packages. Week 2: Deep Dive and Go Routines Pointers: Grasp the concept of pointers for working with memory addresses and manipula...