Showing posts with label software engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label software engineering. Show all posts


Python Parallel Processing and Threading Comparison

If you want to maximize your CPU bound #python processing tasks you can think the following way.

Given that your Python process is CPU-bound and you have almost unlimited CPU capacity, using `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` is likely to provide better performance than `concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`. Here's why:

1. Parallelism: `ProcessPoolExecutor` utilizes separate processes, each running in its own Python interpreter, which allows them to run truly concurrently across multiple CPU cores. On the other hand, `ThreadPoolExecutor` uses #threads, which are subject to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python, limiting true parallelism when it comes to CPU-bound tasks.

2. GIL Limitation: The GIL restricts the execution of Python bytecode to a single thread at a time, even in multi-threaded applications. While threads can be useful for I/O-bound tasks or tasks that release the GIL, they are less effective for CPU-bound tasks because they cannot run simultaneously due to the GIL.

3. Isolation: Processes have their own memory space, providing better isolation compared to threads. This can be beneficial for tasks that involve shared state or resources, as processes don't share memory by default and thus avoid many concurrency issues.

4. CPU Utilization: Since processes run independently and can utilize multiple CPU cores without contention, `ProcessPoolExecutor` can fully utilize the available CPU capacity, leading to better performance for CPU-bound tasks.

Therefore, if you want to maximize the performance of your CPU-bound Python process with unlimited CPU capacity, using `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` is generally the preferred choice. It allows for true #parallelism across multiple CPU cores and avoids the limitations imposed by the GIL.

Cloud Resources for Python Application Development

  • AWS:

- AWS Lambda:

  - Serverless computing for executing backend code in response to events.

- Amazon RDS:

  - Managed relational database service for handling SQL databases.

- Amazon S3:

  - Object storage for scalable and secure storage of data.

- AWS API Gateway:

  - Service to create, publish, and manage APIs, facilitating API integration.

- AWS Step Functions:

  - Coordination of multiple AWS services into serverless workflows.

- Amazon DynamoDB:

  - NoSQL database for building high-performance applications.

- AWS CloudFormation:

  - Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service for defining and deploying AWS infrastructure.

- AWS Elastic Beanstalk:

  - Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for deploying and managing applications.

- AWS SDK for Python (Boto3):

  - Official AWS SDK for Python to interact with AWS services programmatically.

  • Azure:

- Azure Functions:

  - Serverless computing for building and deploying event-driven functions.

- Azure SQL Database:

  - Fully managed relational database service for SQL databases.

- Azure Blob Storage:

  - Object storage service for scalable and secure storage.

- Azure API Management:

  - Full lifecycle API management to create, publish, and consume APIs.

- Azure Logic Apps:

  - Visual workflow automation to integrate with various services.

- Azure Cosmos DB:

  - Globally distributed, multi-model database service for highly responsive applications.

- Azure Resource Manager (ARM):

  - IaC service for defining and deploying Azure infrastructure.

- Azure App Service:

  - PaaS offering for building, deploying, and scaling web apps.

- Azure SDK for Python (azure-sdk-for-python):

  - Official Azure SDK for Python to interact with Azure services programmatically.

  • Cloud Networking, API Gateway, Load Balancer, and Security for AWS and Azure:


- Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud):

  - Enables you to launch AWS resources into a virtual network, providing control over the network configuration.

- AWS Direct Connect:

  - Dedicated network connection from on-premises to AWS, ensuring reliable and secure data transfer.

- Amazon API Gateway:

  - Fully managed service for creating, publishing, and securing APIs.

- AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB):

  - Distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets to ensure high availability.

- AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall):

  - Protects web applications from common web exploits by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic.

- AWS Shield:

  - Managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service for safeguarding applications running on AWS.

- Amazon Inspector:

  - Automated security assessment service for applications running on AWS.


- Azure Virtual Network:

  - Connects Azure resources to each other and to on-premises networks, providing isolation and customization.

- Azure ExpressRoute:

  - Dedicated private connection from on-premises to Azure, ensuring predictable and secure data transfer.

- Azure API Management:

  - Full lifecycle API management with features for security, scalability, and analytics.

- Azure Load Balancer:

  - Distributes network traffic across multiple servers to ensure application availability.

- Azure Application Gateway:

  - Web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications.

- Azure Firewall:

  - Managed, cloud-based network security service to protect your Azure Virtual Network resources.

- Azure Security Center:

  - Unified security management system that strengthens the security posture of your data centers.

- Azure DDoS Protection:

  - Safeguards against DDoS attacks on Azure applications.



Python with C/C++ Libraries


Integrating C/C++ libraries into Python applications can be beneficial in various scenarios:

1. Performance Optimization:

   - C/C++ code often executes faster than Python due to its lower-level nature.

   - Critical sections of code that require high performance, such as numerical computations or data processing, can be implemented in C/C++ for improved speed.

2. Existing Libraries:

   - Reuse existing C/C++ libraries that are well-established, optimized, and tested.

   - Many powerful and specialized libraries in fields like scientific computing, machine learning, or image processing are originally written in C/C++. Integrating them into Python allows you to leverage their functionality without rewriting everything in Python.

3. Legacy Code Integration:

   - If you have legacy C/C++ code that is still valuable, integrating it into a Python application allows you to modernize your software while preserving existing functionality.

4. System-Level Programming:

   - For tasks requiring low-level system interactions, such as hardware access or interfacing with operating system APIs, C/C++ is often more suitable.

5. Embedding Performance-Critical Components:

   - Embedding C/C++ code within a Python application can be useful when only certain components need optimization, while the rest of the application remains in Python.

6. Interface with Specific Technologies:

   - Interfacing with technologies or libraries that are written in C/C++, such as graphics libraries or specialized hardware drivers.

7. Security and Stability:

   - C/C++ code can offer more control over memory management and system resources, which can be crucial for applications requiring high stability and security.

While using C/C++ in Python applications can enhance performance, it also introduces challenges like increased complexity, potential for bugs, and a less straightforward development process. Therefore, the decision to use C/C++ in a Python application should be based on a careful consideration of performance requirements, existing codebase, and the specific needs of the project.

Let's break down the process of using C/C++ libraries with Pybind11 in a Flask application step by step.

1. Set Up Your Development Environment:

   - Make sure you have Python installed.

   - Install Flask: `pip install Flask`.

   - Install Pybind11: Follow the installation instructions on the [official Pybind11 repository](

2. Write Your C++ Library Using Pybind11:


   // example.cpp

   #include <pybind11/pybind11.h>

   int add(int a, int b) {

       return a + b;


   PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {

       m.def("add", &add, "Add two numbers");



This is a simple example with a function `add` that adds two numbers.

3. Compile Your C++ Code:

   Use a C++ compiler to compile the code into a shared library. For example, using g++:


   g++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` example.cpp -o example`python3-config --extension-suffix`


   This will generate a shared library named `example.cpython-<version>-<platform>.so`.

4. Create Flask Application:



   from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

   import example  # This is the compiled Pybind11 module

   app = Flask(__name__)

   @app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])

   def add_numbers():

       data = request.get_json()

       result = example.add(data['a'], data['b'])

       return jsonify(result=result)

   if __name__ == '__main__':


5. Run the Flask Application:




   This will start your Flask application.

6. Test Your API:

   Use a tool like `curl` or Postman to test your API.


   curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"a": 5, "b": 10}' http://localhost:5000/add


   You should get a response like:


   {"result": 15}


This is a basic example, and you might need to adjust it based on your specific use case. The key is to have a solid understanding of how Pybind11 works, compile your C++ code into a shared library, and then integrate it into your Flask application.


Migrate CI/CD from Gitlab CI/CD to Azure or AWS


Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to Azure DevOps for Experienced Users

This tutorial guides experienced GitLab CI/CD users on migrating their workflows to Azure DevOps. It compares key concepts and provides step-by-step instructions with code and YAML examples to facilitate a smooth transition.

Comparison of Key Concepts:

FeatureGitLab CI/CDAzure DevOps
Version control systemGitLabGit
PipelinesStages and jobsPipelines and stages
YAML definition.gitlab-ci.ymlazure-pipelines.yml
CI triggersPush events, merge requests, tagsBranches, pushes, pull requests, tags
CD triggersTags, environmentsReleases, environments
ArtifactsDownloadable artifactsPipeline artifacts
RunnersSelf-hosted or shared runnersPipelines run on Microsoft-hosted agents or self-hosted agents
VariablesVariables defined in .gitlab-ci.ymlVariables defined in pipeline configuration or Azure Pipelines YAML
SecretsGitLab SecretsAzure Key Vault

Step-by-Step Migration Guide:

1. Install Azure Pipelines extension for GitLab:

  • This extension helps migrate your GitLab CI/CD pipelines to Azure DevOps.
  • Install it from the GitLab Marketplace.

2. Analyze your existing GitLab CI/CD pipeline:

  • Review your .gitlab-ci.yml file and understand the stages, jobs, and scripts used.
  • Identify the CI triggers, CD triggers, and artifact management strategies.
  • Analyze the variables and secrets used in your pipeline.

3. Create an Azure DevOps project:

4. Import your GitLab repository:

  • In your Azure DevOps project, navigate to Repos and click Import.
  • Select Git as the source and provide the URL of your GitLab repository.
  • Import the repository with the desired branch and history.

5. Convert your GitLab CI/CD pipeline to Azure DevOps YAML:

  • Use the Azure Pipelines extension for GitLab to automatically convert your .gitlab-ci.yml file to an azure-pipelines.yml file.
  • Review the converted YAML file and make necessary adjustments.

6. Configure your CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps:

  • In your Azure DevOps project, navigate to Pipelines.
  • Click Create pipeline and select YAML.
  • Choose the azure-pipelines.yml file you created.
  • Configure the CI triggers, CD triggers, and artifact management strategies.
  • Define the variables and secrets in your pipeline configuration or Azure Key Vault.

7. Run your pipeline:

  • Once your pipeline is configured, you can run it manually or automatically based on the triggers.
  • Monitor the pipeline execution and review the results.

8. Migrate your CI/CD artifacts:

  • Download your artifacts from GitLab and upload them to Azure DevOps.
  • This can be done manually or using a script.

9. Update your development workflow:

  • Update your development workflow to integrate with Azure DevOps.
  • This includes commit messages, pull requests, and code reviews.

Benefits of Migrating to Azure DevOps:

  • Enhanced security: Azure DevOps offers robust security features, including Azure Key Vault for managing secrets.
  • Improved performance: Microsoft-hosted agents offer better performance and scalability than self-hosted runners.
  • Integrated tools: Azure DevOps integrates with other Microsoft tools and services, such as Azure Boards and Azure Repos.
  • Continuous improvement: Microsoft actively develops and updates Azure DevOps with new features and functionalities.

Additional Resources:

By following this guide and utilizing the provided resources, experienced GitLab CI/CD users can smoothly transition their workflows to Azure DevOps and leverage its advanced features and powerful integrations. Remember, the specific steps may vary slightly depending on your individual CI/CD pipeline.

End-to-End Example: Migrating a GitLab CI/CD pipeline for a Web App


  • You have a web application hosted on GitLab and currently use GitLab CI/CD for continuous integration and deployment.
  • The GitLab CI/CD pipeline includes the following stages:
    • Build: Compiles the web application code.
    • Test: Runs unit and integration tests.
    • Deploy: Deploys the application to a staging environment.
  • You want to migrate your CI/CD pipeline to Azure DevOps.

Step 1: Analyze GitLab CI/CD Pipeline:

  • Review your .gitlab-ci.yml file and identify the stages and jobs for each stage:
  - build
  - test
  - deploy

    - npm install
    - npm run build

    - npm run test

    - aws deploy --profile staging ...

Step 2: Import GitLab Repository to Azure DevOps:

  • Create a new project in Azure DevOps.
  • Import your GitLab repository to the project.

Step 3: Convert .gitlab-ci.yml to azure-pipelines.yml:

  • Use the Azure Pipelines extension for GitLab to convert your .gitlab-ci.yml file.
  • Review and adjust the converted YAML:
  - job: build
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
      - script: npm install
      - script: npm run build

  - job: test
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    dependsOn: build
      - script: npm run test

  - job: deploy
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    dependsOn: test
      - script: aws deploy --profile staging ...

Step 4: Configure CI/CD Triggers in Azure DevOps:

  • Define triggers for your pipeline:
    • Build and test jobs to run on every push to the main branch.
    • Deploy job to run manually or automatically on successful build and test.

Step 5: Configure Variables and Secrets:

  • Define variables and secrets used in your pipeline:
    • Variable for AWS profile name in Azure Key Vault.

Step 6: Configure Artifacts:

  • Configure artifact publishing for the build job.
  • This allows download and use of build output in subsequent jobs.

Step 7: Migrate CI/CD Artifacts:

  • Download build artifacts from GitLab.
  • Upload them to Azure DevOps pipeline artifacts.

Step 8: Update Development Workflow:

  • Use Azure DevOps for pull requests, code reviews, and pipeline execution.

Step 9: Verify and Test:

  • Trigger your Azure DevOps pipeline and verify its execution.
  • Test the functionality of your web app after deployment.


  • Improved security with Azure Key Vault.
  • Scalable build and test jobs on Microsoft-hosted agents.
  • Integrated with Azure Boards and Azure Repos for end-to-end workflows.

This example demonstrates a basic migration of a GitLab CI/CD pipeline to Azure DevOps. Customize the specific steps and configurations based on your environment and needs. Remember to test your pipeline thoroughly after migration to ensure its smooth functioning.

Migrating from GitLab CI/CD to AWS CodePipeline


  • You have a web application hosted on GitLab and currently use GitLab CI/CD for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Your GitLab CI/CD pipeline includes the following stages:
    • Build: Compiles the web application code.
    • Test: Runs unit and integration tests.
    • Deploy: Deploys the application to an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
  • You want to migrate your CI/CD pipeline to AWS CodePipeline.

Step 1: Analyze GitLab CI/CD Pipeline:

  • Review your .gitlab-ci.yml file and identify the stages and jobs for each stage:
  - build
  - test
  - deploy

    - npm install
    - npm run build

    - npm run test

    - aws deploy --profile staging ...

Step 2: Create AWS Resources:

  • In your AWS account, create the necessary resources for your pipeline:
    • An IAM role with permissions to perform the required actions, such as building, testing, and deploying your application.
    • An S3 bucket to store your build artifacts.
    • A CodeBuild project for building your application.
    • A CodeCommit repository to store your code.
    • A CodePipeline pipeline to orchestrate the build, test, and deployment stages.
    • An AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment for deploying your application.

Step 3: Configure AWS CodePipeline:

  • In your AWS console, navigate to CodePipeline.
  • Create a new pipeline and define the following stages:
    • Source: Choose GitLab as the source provider and connect your GitLab repository.
    • Build: Choose CodeBuild as the build provider and configure the previously created CodeBuild project.
    • Test: You can implement different testing strategies here, depending on your needs.
      • Manual testing: Define a manual approval stage for testing before deployment.
      • Automated testing: Use CodeBuild or another service to run automated tests.
    • Deploy: Choose AWS Elastic Beanstalk as the deployment provider and configure the deployment settings.

Step 4: Configure Artifacts:

  • Configure artifact publishing for the build stage in CodeBuild.
  • This allows saving the build output to the S3 bucket for use in the deploy stage.

Step 5: Configure Triggers and IAM Role:

  • Define triggers for your pipeline:
    • Build and test stages to run on every push to the main branch.
    • Deploy stage to run manually or automatically on successful build and test.
  • Attach the IAM role with appropriate permissions to your CodePipeline pipeline for its execution.

Step 6: Migrate CI/CD Artifacts:

  • Download build artifacts from GitLab.
  • If your GitLab CI/CD pipeline already publishes artifacts, you can configure CodePipeline to access them directly from GitLab artifacts storage.
  • Alternatively, upload the downloaded artifacts to the S3 bucket used by CodeBuild.

Step 7: Update Development Workflow:

  • Use AWS CodeCommit for your code repository and CodePipeline for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Integrate code reviews, approvals, and deployments into your workflow using AWS services.

Step 8: Verify and Test:

  • Trigger your AWS CodePipeline pipeline and verify its execution.
  • Test the functionality of your web app after deployment.


  • Leverage AWS managed services for build, test, and deploy stages.
  • Seamless integration with AWS resources and services.
  • Scalable and reliable pipeline execution.
  • Secure access with IAM roles and permissions.

Remember, this is a general guide, and the specific steps may vary depending on your environment and needs. Consider your specific setup and requirements when migrating your CI/CD pipeline to AWS CodePipeline.

GitLab to Azure Tutorials:

Official Azure DevOps Documentation:

Articles and Tutorials:

GitLab to AWS Tutorials:

Official GitLab Documentation:

Articles and Tutorials:

I hope these links provide valuable resources for your journey from GitLab to Azure and AWS.

AI Assistant For Test Assignment

  Photo by Google DeepMind Creating an AI application to assist school teachers with testing assignments and result analysis can greatly ben...