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Showing posts from October 29, 2024

Entropy and Information Gain in Natural Language Processing

This is a beautiful and insightful explanation about why hashtag # Java has 2x higher entropy than hashtag # Python when processing natural language processing To uderstand we must know what is the Entropy of Programming Languages In the context of programming languages, entropy refers to the measure of randomness or unpredictability in the code. A language with higher entropy often requires more characters to express the same logic, making it less concise. Why Java Has Higher Entropy Than hashtag # Python Java's higher entropy compared to Python can be attributed to several factors: Verbosity: Java often demands more explicit syntax, such as declaring variable types and using semicolons to terminate statements. Python, on the other hand, relies on indentation and fewer keywords, reducing the overall character count. Object-Oriented Paradigm: Java is strongly object-oriented, which often leads to more verbose code as objects, classes, and methods need to be defined and instan...