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Showing posts from October 17, 2008

Google Checkout Integration for PHP

What is Payment Gateway integration? A payment gateway can be defined as a third party service, which is a combination of hardware and software that provides an interface to the bank credit card processing network. The credit card information is collected and is transferred over the Internet to the credit card processors in the encrypted format for transaction purpose. Some well-known payment gateways are AuthorizeNet, Google Checkout, USAePay, Verisign and Paypal. What is google checkout? Using Google checkout buying from stores across the web becomes simple and also facilitates you to keep track of all the orders. The Google Checkout’s fraud protection policy protects you against all the unauthorized purchases made via Google Checkout. Another advantage is that the Google Checkout does not share the history of the purchasers with other sellers. With Google checkout your email is well protected and is kept confidential. Tracking down...