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Showing posts from October 8, 2012

Building Applications on the Zend Developer Cloud

Zend Studio and the Zend Developer Cloud support an integration platform with GitHub projects. This allows you to use the features of GitHub, Zend Studio, and the Zend Developer Cloud for the same application. You can now use the cloud to deploy, debug and modify your GitHub project from Zend Studio. In this Tutorial you will Learn To create GitHub and Zend Developer Cloud accounts. You will need these accounts to maintain a project in GitHub and deploy on Zend's cloud platform. To create a new container in the Zend Developer Cloud. The container holds your application in the cloud. To create a new project from GitHub. You will be using an existing GitHub project to create a new project in Zend Studio. To launch the application on the Zend Developer Cloud and debugging it in Zend Studio. Prerequisites An installed Zend Studio 9.0 or above. To install Zend Studio go to . Step 1: Creating an Account for Git...