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Showing posts from June 16, 2008

Is your ISP cheating you?

If you aren’t sure about your ISP's intention and character, you will soon be able to download a tool from Google that will tell you once and for all if they are doing something wrong. If ISP’s aren’t going to tell their users exactly what is happening with their network connections, Google wants to make sure that these people have the ability to tell for themselves. This announcement is Google’s most recent attempt at raising awareness about net neutrality. This isn’t the first time someone has made software to monitor your network to figure out if your ISP is doing anything fishy, NNSquad Network Measurement Agent is a tool that does exactly that already. In fact, this might actually be the tool Google is referring to. Vint Cerf, Google’s chief Internet Evangelist, is part of the NNSquad already.

Tutorial: How to Integrate Wordpress into an Existing Website

1. Build the site in PHP and CSS- Create a good solid site using PHP to include the content and CSS to control the layout (We're going to take our OWN CSS layout and simply match the blog with it). All of my layouts are controlled entirely without tables and though it takes a lot of work in the beginning, the incredibly wide range of flexibility it gives you in the end is totally worth it. 2. Download and then install the latest version of Wordpress - I used 1.5 in this example. I created the database on my server, updated the config.php file in the wordpress folder (which I renamed to blog) and then uploaded the whole deal. If you have fantastico available through your hosting provider, use that ;). 3. Check and make sure 'sall good - I viewed my /blog directory and yup, there she is.. the wordpress installation in its full untouched glory. Hehe.. not for long ;). The installation is good to go, I've updated my admin password and saved it in a secure location, and I...

Create VOIP application with PHP

Asterisk is the application library to use for voip appliaction with PHP. Asterisk Dialplan Commands Here is a list of all the commands that you can use in your Dialplan (extensions.conf). You can obtain your Asterisk's list of available applications at the CLI by typing "show applications" and "show application ". Notes: An alphabetical list can be found at the end of this page Please only list applications integrated in the Asterisk releases or CVS versions, with notes about version where it is included. Third party add-ons is listed in a separate section. General commands Authenticate: Authenticate a user VMAuthenticate: Authenticate a user based on voicemail.conf Bridge: Connect two arbitrary callers (new in Asterisk v1.6) ChannelRedirect: Redirect an existing channel to the dialplan Curl: Allows for the retrieval of external URLs. Also supports POSTing. Deprecated in favor of CURL. DUNDiLookup: Look up a number with DUNDi Page: Page a mobile device (new in ...