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Showing posts from August 13, 2008

Image Crop with Javascript

MooCrop About MooCrop is an Image Cropping utility using the amazingly powerful mootools javascript framework. Alone it serves no practical purpose but used in conjuction with a server side script becomes a powerful image manipulation tool. Why Looking for a mootools solution, I searched and came up with a few existing implementations. Everything I came across were only partial implementations. Those that were more polished seemed to be sluggish and effecting the DOM needlessly in some places. I wanted a class that had a very intuitive interface and played nicely with the existing DOM and more importantly I wanted it to be fast. I came to the conclusion that developing my own would give me a better understanding of mootools and broaden my understanding of drag and drop inside the DOM. Initially I tried using the Drag.Base class found within mootools but found this to be clumbsy for this highly specialized form of dragging. With default options a single drag is mov...