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Showing posts from June 13, 2008

How new iPhone 3G may change the world of Internet

Apple has inroduced its revolutionary product iPhone. Which integrate 3 type of products in itself 1. iPod 2. Phone and 3. Internet communication device It has amezing features besides it will be able to brows the direct html not through wap. Means from now there will be almost no need to create wap version of the site to display / work on phone (wap). Instead it will directly browse the site on its safari browser. Huge memory and cheap reate will definitely make it popular worldwide. And ofcourse seamless internet connection will change the whole internet connection also. Not only the communication industry but also other industry also be mutually benifited from it. As from now cafe / resturanbt can give the wifi hotspot to attract the customer and customer also go there for free internet and all phone calls from there with hiugh speed internet connection and voip from those hotspots. Like these thousands of oppertunities will be evolved. Open source application developer will be beni...