Showing posts with label influxdb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label influxdb. Show all posts


Comparison MongoDB and InfluxDB

                                             Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush

Let's compare MongoDB and InfluxDB by providing a simple example of how you can use both databases with Python for storing and retrieving time-series data. We'll use Python's official client libraries for both databases. This example will cover data insertion and retrieval operations.

MongoDB Example:

First, make sure you have the `pymongo` library installed. You can install it using pip:


pip install pymongo


Here's a simple Python example for using MongoDB to store and retrieve time-series data:


from pymongo import MongoClient

from datetime import datetime

# Connect to MongoDB

client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")

db = client["timeseries_db"]

collection = db["timeseries_data"]

# Insert a time-series data point

data_point = {


    "value": 42.0,



# Retrieve data for a given time range

start_time = datetime(2023, 1, 1)

end_time = datetime(2023, 1, 2)

query = {"timestamp": {"$gte": start_time, "$lt": end_time}}

result = collection.find(query)

for doc in result:



InfluxDB Example:

Make sure you have the `influxdb` library installed. You can install it using pip:


pip install influxdb


Here's a Python example for using InfluxDB to store and retrieve time-series data:


from influxdb import InfluxDBClient

from datetime import datetime

# Connect to InfluxDB

client = InfluxDBClient(host="localhost", port=8086, database="timeseries_db")

# Insert a time-series data point

data_point = {

    "measurement": "time_series_measurement",

    "time": datetime.utcnow(),

    "fields": {"value": 42.0},



# Query data for a given time range

query = f'SELECT "value" FROM "time_series_measurement" WHERE time > \'{start_time.isoformat()}\' AND time < \'{end_time.isoformat()}\''

result = client.query(query)

for point in result.get_points():




1. Data Model:

   - MongoDB: Uses a document-based data model.

   - InfluxDB: Specialized for time-series data with timestamp-based data model.

2. Query Language:

   - MongoDB: Uses a flexible query language, similar to SQL.

   - InfluxDB: Uses InfluxQL, designed for querying time-series data.

3. Write Performance:

   - MongoDB: Good for general purposes, but may not be as efficient as InfluxDB for high-frequency writes.

   - InfluxDB: Optimized for high write performance in time-series data scenarios.

4. Data Retention and Downsampling:

   - MongoDB: Requires manual management.

   - InfluxDB: Offers built-in retention policies and continuous queries for data downsampling.

5. Ecosystem:

   - MongoDB: Offers a wide range of use cases, suitable for various applications.

   - InfluxDB: Part of the TICK Stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor), designed for time-series data monitoring and analysis.

In conclusion, while both MongoDB and InfluxDB can store time-series data, InfluxDB is purpose-built for this use case and provides better performance and features tailored for time-series data storage and analysis. Your choice should depend on your specific requirements and use cases. If you primarily deal with time-series data, InfluxDB is a strong candidate.