Showing posts with label data analytics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label data analytics. Show all posts


ETL with Python


Photo by Hyundai Motor Group

ETL System and Tools:

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) systems are essential for data integration and analytics workflows. They facilitate the extraction of data from various sources, transformation of the data into a usable format, and loading it into a target system, such as a data warehouse or data lake. Here's a breakdown:

1. Extract: This phase involves retrieving data from different sources, including databases, files, APIs, web services, etc. The data is typically extracted in its raw form.

2. Transform: In this phase, the extracted data undergoes cleansing, filtering, restructuring, and other transformations to prepare it for analysis or storage. This step ensures data quality and consistency.

3. Load: Finally, the transformed data is loaded into the target destination, such as a data warehouse, data mart, or data lake. This enables querying, reporting, and analysis of the data.

ETL Tools:

There are numerous ETL tools available, both open-source and commercial, offering a range of features for data integration and processing. Some popular ETL tools include:

- Apache NiFi: An open-source data flow automation tool that provides a graphical interface for designing data pipelines.

- Talend: A comprehensive ETL tool suite with support for data integration, data quality, and big data processing.

- Informatica PowerCenter: A leading enterprise-grade ETL tool with advanced capabilities for data integration, transformation, and governance.

- AWS Glue: A fully managed ETL service on AWS that simplifies the process of building, running, and monitoring ETL workflows.

Cloud and ETL:

Cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud offer scalable and flexible infrastructure for deploying ETL solutions. They provide managed services for storage, compute, and data processing, making it easier to build and manage ETL pipelines in the cloud. Azure, for example, offers services like Azure Data Factory for orchestrating ETL workflows, Azure Databricks for big data processing, and Azure Synapse Analytics for data warehousing and analytics.

Python ETL Example:

Here's a simple Python example using the `pandas` library for ETL:


import pandas as pd

# Extract data from a CSV file

data = pd.read_csv("source_data.csv")

# Transform data (e.g., clean, filter, aggregate)

transformed_data = data.dropna()  # Drop rows with missing values

# Load transformed data into a new CSV file

transformed_data.to_csv("transformed_data.csv", index=False)


This example reads data from a CSV file, applies a transformation to remove rows with missing values, and then saves the transformed data to a new CSV file.

Deep Dive with Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS Gen2):

Databricks is a unified analytics platform that integrates with Azure services like Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2) for building and deploying big data and machine learning applications. 

Here's a high-level overview of using Databricks and ADLS Gen2 for ETL:

1. Data Ingestion: Ingest data from various sources into ADLS Gen2 using Azure Data Factory, Azure Event Hubs, or other data ingestion tools.

2. ETL Processing: Use Databricks notebooks to perform ETL processing on the data stored in ADLS Gen2. Databricks provides a distributed computing environment for processing large datasets using Apache Spark.

3. Data Loading: After processing, load the transformed data back into ADLS Gen2 or other target destinations for further analysis or reporting.

Here's a simplified example of ETL processing with Databricks and ADLS Gen2 using Python Pyspark:


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Initialize Spark session

spark = SparkSession.builder \

    .appName("ETL Example") \


# Read data from ADLS Gen2

df ="adl://", header=True)

# Perform transformations

transformed_df = df.dropna()

# Write transformed data back to ADLS Gen2

transformed_df.write.csv("adl://", mode="overwrite")

# Stop Spark session



In this example, we use the `pyspark` library to read data from ADLS Gen2, perform a transformation to drop null values, and then write the transformed data back to ADLS Gen2.

This is a simplified illustration of ETL processing with Python, Databricks, and ADLS Gen2. In a real-world scenario, you would handle more complex transformations, error handling, monitoring, and scaling considerations. Additionally, you might leverage other Azure services such as Azure Data Factory for orchestration and Azure Synapse Analytics for data warehousing and analytics.


Azure Data Factory, ADSL Gen2 BLOB Storage and Syncing Data from Share Point Folder


Photo by Manuel Geissinger

Today we are going to discuss data sync between on premisses SharePoint folder and Azure BLOB Storage. 

When we need to upload or download files from SharePoint folder within the home network to Azure. We must consider the best way to auto sync as well. Let's discuss them step by step.

Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a powerful cloud-based service provided by Microsoft Azure. Let me break it down for you:

  1. Purpose and Context:

    • In the world of big data, we often deal with raw, unorganized data stored in various systems.
    • However, raw data alone lacks context and meaning for meaningful insights.
    • Azure Data Factory (ADF) steps in to orchestrate and operationalize processes, transforming massive raw data into actionable business insights.
  2. What Does ADF Do?:

    • ADF is a managed cloud service designed for complex data integration projects.
    • It handles hybrid extract-transform-load (ETL) and extract-load-transform (ELT) scenarios.
    • It enables data movement and transformation at scale.
  3. Usage Scenarios:

    • Imagine a gaming company collecting petabytes of game logs from cloud-based games.
    • The company wants to:
      • Analyze these logs for customer insights.
      • Combine on-premises reference data with cloud log data.
      • Process the joined data using tools like Azure HDInsight (Spark cluster).
      • Publish transformed data to Azure Synapse Analytics for reporting.
    • ADF automates this workflow, allowing daily scheduling and execution triggered by file arrivals in a blob store container.
  4. Key Features:

    • Data-Driven Workflows: Create and schedule data-driven workflows (called pipelines).
    • Ingestion: Ingest data from disparate data stores.
    • Transformation: Build complex ETL processes using visual data flows or compute services like Azure HDInsight Hadoop, Azure Databricks, and Azure SQL Database.
    • Publishing: Publish transformed data to destinations like Azure Synapse Analytics for business intelligence applications.
  5. Why ADF Matters:

    • It bridges the gap between raw data and actionable insights.
    • Businesses can make informed decisions based on unified data insights.

Learn more about Azure Data Factory on Microsoft Learn1.

Azure Data Factory (ADF) can indeed sync data between on-premises SharePoint folders and Azure Blob Storage. Let’s break it down:

  1. Syncing with On-Premises SharePoint Folder:

    • ADF allows you to copy data from a SharePoint Online List (which includes folders) to various supported data stores.
    • Here’s how you can set it up:
      • Prerequisites:
        • Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.
        • Note down the Application ID, Application key, and Tenant ID.
        • Grant your registered application permission in your SharePoint Online site.
      • Configuration:
  2. Syncing with Azure Blob Storage:

  3. Combining Both:

    • To sync data between an on-premises SharePoint folder and Azure Blob Storage:
      • Set up your SharePoint linked service.
      • Set up your Azure Blob Storage linked service.
      • Create a pipeline that uses the Copy activity to move data from SharePoint to Blob Storage.
      • Optionally, apply any necessary transformations using the Data Flow activity.

Remember, ADF is your orchestration tool, ensuring seamless data movement and transformation across various data sources and sinks.

On the other hand, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2) is a powerful service in the Microsoft Azure ecosystem. Let’s explore how to use it effectively:

  1. Overview of ADLS Gen2:

    • ADLS Gen2 combines the capabilities of a data lake with the scalability and performance of Azure Blob Storage.
    • It’s designed for handling large volumes of diverse data, making it ideal for big data analytics and data warehousing scenarios.
  2. Best Practices for Using ADLS Gen2:

    • Optimize Performance:
      • Consider using a premium block blob storage account if your workloads require low latency and high I/O operations per second (IOP).
      • Premium accounts store data on solid-state drives (SSDs) optimized for low latency and high throughput.
      • While storage costs are higher, transaction costs are lower.
    • Reduce Costs:
      • Organize your data into data sets within ADLS Gen2.
      • Provision separate ADLS Gen2 accounts for different data landing zones.
      • Evaluate feature support and known issues to make informed decisions.
    • Security and Compliance:
      • Use service principals or access keys to access ADLS Gen2.
      • Understand terminology differences (e.g., blobs vs. files).
      • Review the documentation for feature-specific guidance.
    • Integration with Other Services:
      • Mount ADLS Gen2 to Azure Databricks for reading and writing data.
      • Compare ADLS Gen2 with Azure Blob Storage for different use cases.
      • Understand where ADLS Gen2 fits in the stages of analytical processing.
  3. Accessing ADLS Gen2:

    • You can access ADLS Gen2 in three ways:
      • Mounting it to Azure Databricks using a service principal or OAuth 2.0.
      • Directly using a service principal.
      • Using the ADLS Gen2 storage account access key directly.

Remember, ADLS Gen2 empowers you to manage and analyze vast amounts of data efficiently. Dive into the documentation and explore its capabilities! 

Learn more about Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 on Microsoft Learn1.

Let’s set up a data flow that automatically copies files from an on-premises SharePoint folder to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2) whenever new files are uploaded. Here are the steps:

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you have the following:
      • An Azure subscription (create one if needed).
      • An Azure Storage account with ADLS Gen2 enabled.
      • An on-premises SharePoint folder containing the files you want to sync.
  2. Create an Azure Data Factory (ADF):

    • If you haven’t already, create an Azure Data Factory using the Azure portal.
    • Launch the Data Integration application in ADF.
  3. Set Up the Copy Data Tool:

    • In the ADF home page, select the Ingest tile to launch the Copy Data tool.
    • Configure the properties:
      • Choose Built-in copy task under Task type.
      • Select Run once now under Task cadence or task schedule.
  4. Configure the Source (SharePoint):

    • Click + New connection.
    • Select SharePoint from the connector gallery.
    • Provide the necessary credentials and details for your on-premises SharePoint folder.
    • Define the source dataset.
  5. Configure the Destination (ADLS Gen2):

    • Click + New connection.
    • Select Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 from the connector gallery.
    • Choose your ADLS Gen2 capable account from the “Storage account name” drop-down list.
    • Create the connection.
  6. Mapping and Transformation (Optional):

    • If needed, apply any transformations or mappings between the source and destination.
    • You can use the Data Flow activity for more complex transformations.
  7. Run the Pipeline:

    • Save your configuration.
    • Execute the pipeline to copy data from SharePoint to ADLS Gen2.
    • You can schedule this pipeline to run periodically or trigger it based on events (e.g., new files in SharePoint).
  8. Monitoring and Alerts:

    • Monitor the pipeline execution in the Azure portal.
    • Set up alerts for any failures or anomalies.

Remember to adjust the settings according to your specific SharePoint folder and ADLS Gen2 requirements. With this setup, your files will be automatically synced from SharePoint to ADLS Gen2 whenever new files are uploaded! 

Learn more about loading data into Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 on Microsoft Learn1.


Data Masking When Ingesting Into Databricks


Photo by Alba Leader

Data masking is a data security technique that involves hiding data by changing its original numbers and letters. It's a way to create a fake version of data that's similar enough to the actual data, while still protecting it. This fake data can then be used as a functional alternative when the real data isn't needed. 

Unity Catalog is not a feature within Databricks. Instead, Databricks provides the Delta Lake feature, which includes data governance capabilities such as row filters and column masking.

Unity Catalog in Databricks allows you to apply data governance policies such as row filters and column masks to sensitive data. Let’s break it down:

  1. Row Filters:

    • Row filters enable you to apply a filter to a table so that subsequent queries only return rows for which the filter predicate evaluates to true.
    • To create a row filter, follow these steps:
      1. Write a SQL user-defined function (UDF) to define the filter policy.
      • CREATE FUNCTION <function_name> (<parametergoog_1380099708_name> <parameter_type>, ...) RETURN {filter clause whobe a boolean};
  2. Apply the row filter to an existing table using the following syntax:
    ALTER TABLE <table_name> SET ROW FILTER <function_name> ON (<column_name>, ...);
      1. You can also specify a row filter during the initial table creation.
    • Each table can have only one row filter, and it accepts input parameters that bind to specific columns of the table.
  3. Column Masks:

    • Column masks allow you to transform or mask specific column values before returning them in query results.
    • To apply column masks:
      1. Create a function that defines the masking logic.
      2. Apply the masking function to a table column using an ALTER TABLE statement.
      3. Alternatively, you can apply the masking function during table creation.
  4. Unity Catalog Best Practices:

  5. When setting up Unity Catalog, consider assigning a location to a catalog level. For example:
    CREATE CATALOG hr_prod
    LOCATION 'abfss://';

You can apply column masks to transform or conceal specific column values before returning them in query results. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Create a Masking Function:

    • Define a function that specifies the masking logic. This function will be used to transform the column values.
    • For example, let’s say you want to mask the last four digits of a credit card number. You can create a masking function that replaces the last four digits with asterisks.
  2. Apply the Masking Function to a Column:

    • Use an ALTER TABLE statement to apply the masking function to a specific column.
    • For instance, if you have a column named credit_card_number, you can apply the masking function to it:
      ALTER TABLE my_table SET COLUMN MASK credit_card_number USING my_masking_function;
  3. Example Masking Function:

    • Suppose you want to mask the last four digits of a credit card number with asterisks. You can create a masking function like this:
      CREATE FUNCTION my_masking_function AS
          RETURN CONCAT('************', RIGHT(credit_card_number, 4));
  4. Query the Table:

    • When querying the table, the masked values will be returned instead of the original values.

Let’s focus on how you can achieve column masking in Databricks using Delta Lake:

  1. Column Masking:

    • Delta Lake allows you to apply column-level transformations or masks to sensitive data.
    • You can create custom masking functions to modify specific column values before returning them in query results.
  2. Creating a Masking Function:

    • Define a user-defined function (UDF) that specifies the masking logic. For example, you can create a function that masks the last four digits of a credit card number.
    • Here’s an example of a masking function that replaces the last four digits with asterisks:
      def mask_credit_card(card_number):
          return "************" + card_number[-4:]
  3. Applying the Masking Function:

    • Use the withColumn method to apply the masking function to a specific column in your DataFrame.
    • For instance, if you have a DataFrame named my_table with a column named credit_card_number, you can apply the masking function as follows:
      from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
      from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
      # Register the UDF
      spark.udf.register("mask_credit_card", mask_credit_card, StringType())
      # Apply the masking function to the column
      masked_df = my_table.withColumn("masked_credit_card", udf("credit_card_number"))
  4. Querying the Masked Data:

    • When querying the masked_df, the transformed (masked) values will be returned for the masked_credit_card column.

You can find different related articles here kindly search.

GenAI Speech to Sentiment Analysis with Azure Data Factory


Photo by Tara Winstead

Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a powerful data integration service, and it can be seamlessly integrated with several other Azure services to enhance your data workflows. Here are some key services that work closely with ADF:

  1. Azure Synapse Analytics:

    • Formerly known as SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Synapse Analytics provides an integrated analytics service that combines big data and data warehousing. You can use ADF to move data into Synapse Analytics for advanced analytics, reporting, and business intelligence.
  2. Azure Databricks:

    • Azure Databricks is a fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics platform. ADF can orchestrate data movement between Databricks and other data stores, enabling you to process and analyze large datasets efficiently.
  3. Azure Blob Storage:

    • ADF can seamlessly copy data to and from Azure Blob Storage. It’s a cost-effective storage solution for unstructured data, backups, and serving static content.
  4. Azure SQL Database:

    • Use ADF to ingest data from various sources into Azure SQL Database. It’s a fully managed relational database service that supports both structured and semi-structured data.
  5. Azure Data Lake Store:

    • ADF integrates well with Azure Data Lake Store, which is designed for big data analytics. You can use it to store large amounts of data in a hierarchical file system.
  6. Amazon S3 (Yes, even from AWS!):

    • ADF supports data movement from Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) to Azure. If you have data in S3, ADF can help you bring it into Azure.
  7. Amazon Redshift (Again, from AWS!):

    • Similar to S3, ADF can copy data from Amazon Redshift (a data warehouse service) to Azure. This is useful for hybrid scenarios or migrations.
  8. Software as a Service (SaaS) Apps:

    • ADF has built-in connectors for popular SaaS applications like Salesforce, Marketo, and ServiceNow. You can easily ingest data from these services into your data pipelines.
  9. Web Protocols:

    • ADF supports web protocols such as FTP and OData. If you need to move data from web services, ADF can handle it.

Remember that ADF provides more than 90 built-in connectors, making it versatile for ingesting data from various sources and orchestrating complex data workflows. Whether you’re dealing with big data, relational databases, or cloud storage you can harness its power.

Let’s tailor the integration of Azure Data Factory (ADF) for your AI-based application that involves speech-to-text and sentiment analysis. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Data Ingestion:

    • Source Data: Identify the source of your speech data. It could be audio files, streaming data, or recorded conversations.
    • Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage: Store the raw audio data in Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage. You can use ADF to copy data from various sources into these storage services.
  2. Speech-to-Text Processing:

    • Azure Cognitive Services - Speech-to-Text: Utilize the Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDK or the REST API to convert audio data into text. You can create an Azure Cognitive Services resource and configure it with your subscription key.
    • ADF Pipelines: Create an ADF pipeline that invokes the Speech-to-Text service. Use the Web Activity or Azure Function Activity to call the REST API. Pass the audio data as input and receive the transcribed text as output.
  3. Data Transformation and Enrichment:

    • Data Flows in ADF: If you need to perform additional transformations (e.g., cleaning, filtering, or aggregating), use ADF Data Flows. These allow you to visually design data transformations.
    • Sentiment Analysis: For sentiment analysis, consider using Azure Cognitive Services - Text Analytics. Similar to the Speech-to-Text step, create a Text Analytics resource and configure it in your ADF pipeline.
  4. Destination Storage:

    • Azure SQL Database or Cosmos DB: Store the transcribed text along with sentiment scores in an Azure SQL Database or Cosmos DB.
    • ADF Copy Activity: Use ADF’s Copy Activity to move data from your storage (Blob or Data Lake) to the destination database.
  5. Monitoring and Error Handling:

    • Set up monitoring for your ADF pipelines. Monitor the success/failure of each activity.
    • Implement retry policies and error handling mechanisms in case of failures during data movement or processing.
  6. Security and Authentication:

    • Ensure that your ADF pipeline has the necessary permissions to access the storage accounts, Cognitive Services, and databases.
    • Use Managed Identity or Service Principal for authentication.

Get more details here Introduction to Azure Data Factory - Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Learn 


Databricks with Azure Past and Present


Let's dive into the evolution of Azure Databricks and its performance differences.

Azure Databricks is a powerful analytics platform built on Apache Spark, designed to process large-scale data workloads. It provides a collaborative environment for data engineers, data scientists, and analysts. Over time, Databricks has undergone significant changes, impacting its performance and capabilities.

Previous State:

In the past, Databricks primarily relied on an open-source version of Apache Spark. While this version was versatile, it had limitations in terms of performance and scalability. Users could run Spark workloads, but there was room for improvement.

Current State:

Today, Azure Databricks has evolved significantly. Here’s what’s changed:

  1. Optimized Spark Engine:

    • Databricks now offers an optimized version of Apache Spark. This enhanced engine provides 50 times increased performance compared to the open-source version.
    • Users can leverage GPU-enabled clusters, enabling faster data processing and higher data concurrency.
    • The optimized Spark engine ensures efficient execution of complex analytical tasks.
  2. Serverless Compute:

    • Databricks embraces serverless architectures. With serverless compute, the compute layer runs directly within your Azure Databricks account.
    • This approach eliminates the need to manage infrastructure, allowing users to focus solely on their data and analytics workloads.
    • Serverless compute optimizes resource allocation, scaling up or down as needed.

Performance Differences:

Let’s break down the performance differences:

  1. Speed and Efficiency:

    • The optimized Spark engine significantly accelerates data processing. Complex transformations, aggregations, and machine learning tasks execute faster.
    • GPU-enabled clusters handle parallel workloads efficiently, reducing processing time.
  2. Resource Utilization:

    • Serverless compute ensures optimal resource allocation. Users pay only for the resources consumed during actual computation.
    • Traditional setups often involve overprovisioning or underutilization, impacting cost-effectiveness.
  3. Concurrency and Scalability:

    • Databricks’ enhanced Spark engine supports high data concurrency. Multiple users can run queries simultaneously without performance degradation.
    • Horizontal scaling (adding more nodes) ensures seamless scalability as workloads grow.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness:

    • Serverless architectures minimize idle resource costs. Users pay only for active compute time.
    • Efficient resource utilization translates to cost savings.

Currently, Azure does not use BLOB storage for Databrick compute plane, instead ADSL Gen 2, also known as Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, is a powerful solution for big data analytics built on Azure Blob Storage. Let’s dive into the details:

  1. What is a Data Lake?

    • A data lake is a centralized repository where you can store all types of data, whether structured or unstructured.
    • Unlike traditional databases, a data lake allows you to store data in its raw or native format, without conforming to a predefined structure.
    • Azure Data Lake Storage is a cloud-based enterprise data lake solution engineered to handle massive amounts of data in any format, facilitating big data analytical workloads.
  2. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2:

    • Convergence: Gen2 combines the capabilities of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 with Azure Blob Storage.
    • File System Semantics: It provides file system semantics, allowing you to organize data into directories and files.
    • Security: Gen2 offers file-level security, ensuring data protection.
    • Scalability: Designed to manage multiple petabytes of information while sustaining high throughput.
    • Hadoop Compatibility: Gen2 works seamlessly with Hadoop and frameworks using the Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
    • Cost-Effective: It leverages Blob storage, providing low-cost, tiered storage with high availability and disaster recovery capabilities.
  3. Implementation:

    • Unlike Gen1, Gen2 isn’t a dedicated service or account type. Instead, it’s implemented as a set of capabilities within your Azure Storage account.
    • To unlock these capabilities, enable the hierarchical namespace setting.
    • Key features include:
      • Hadoop-compatible access: Designed for Hadoop and frameworks using the Azure Blob File System (ABFS) driver.
      • Hierarchical directory structure: Organize data efficiently.
      • Optimized cost and performance: Balances cost-effectiveness and performance.
      • Finer-grained security model: Enhances data protection.
      • Massive scalability: Handles large-scale data workloads.


Azure Databricks has transformed from its initial open-source Spark version to a high-performance, serverless analytics platform. Users now benefit from faster processing, efficient resource management, and improved scalability. Whether you’re analyzing data, building machine learning models, or running complex queries, Databricks’ evolution ensures optimal performance for your workloads. 


Redhat Openshift for Data Science Project


Photo by Tim Mossholder

Red Hat OpenShift Data Science is a powerful platform designed for data scientists and developers working on artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Let’s dive into the details:

  1. What is Red Hat OpenShift Data Science?

    • Red Hat OpenShift Data Science provides a fully supported environment for developing, training, testing, and deploying machine learning models.
    • It allows you to work with AI applications both on-premises and in the public cloud.
    • You can use it as a managed cloud service add-on to Red Hat’s OpenShift cloud services or as self-managed software that you can install on-premise or in the public cloud.
  2. Key Features and Benefits:

    • Rapid Development: OpenShift Data Science streamlines the development process, allowing you to focus on building and refining your models.
    • Model Training: Train your machine learning models efficiently within the platform.
    • Testing and Validation: Easily validate your models before deployment.
    • Deployment Flexibility: Choose between on-premises or cloud deployment options.
    • Collaboration: Work collaboratively with other data scientists and developers.
  3. Creating a Data Science Project:

    • From the Red Hat OpenShift Data Science dashboard, you can create and configure your data science project.
    • Follow these steps:
      • Navigate to the dashboard and select the Data Science Projects menu item.
      • If you have existing projects, they will be displayed.
      • To create a new project, click the Create data science project button.
      • In the pop-up window, enter a name for your project. The resource name will be automatically generated based on the project name.
      • You can then configure various options for your project.
  4. Data Science Pipelines:

In summary, Red Hat OpenShift Data Science provides a robust platform for data scientists to create, train, and deploy machine learning models, whether you’re working on-premises or in the cloud. It’s a valuable tool for data science projects, offering flexibility, collaboration, and streamlined development processes.

Let’s explore how you can leverage Red Hat OpenShift Data Science in conjunction with a Kubernetes cluster for your data science project. I’ll provide a step-by-step guide along with an example.

Using OpenShift Data Science with Kubernetes for Data Science Projects

  1. Set Up Your Kubernetes Cluster:

    • First, ensure you have a functional Kubernetes cluster. You can use a managed Kubernetes service (such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)) or set up your own cluster using tools like kubeadm or Minikube.
    • Make sure your cluster is properly configured and accessible.
  2. Install Red Hat OpenShift Data Science:

    • Deploy OpenShift Data Science on your Kubernetes cluster. You can do this by installing the necessary components, such as the OpenShift Operator, which manages the data science resources.
    • Follow the official documentation for installation instructions specific to your environment.
  3. Create a Data Science Project:

    • Once OpenShift Data Science is up and running, create a new data science project within it.
    • Use the OpenShift dashboard or command-line tools to create the project. For example:
      oc new-project my-data-science-project
  4. Develop Your Data Science Code:

    • Write your data science code (Python, R, etc.) and organize it into a Git repository.
    • Include any necessary dependencies and libraries.
  5. Create a Data Science Pipeline:

    • Data science pipelines in OpenShift allow you to define a sequence of steps for your project.
    • Create a Kubernetes Custom Resource (CR) that describes your pipeline. This CR specifies the steps, input data, and output locations.
    • Example pipeline CR:
      kind: DataSciencePipeline
        name: my-data-pipeline
          - name: preprocess-data
            image: my-preprocessing-image
              - dataset: my-dataset.csv
              - artifact: preprocessed-data.csv
          # Add more steps as needed
  6. Build and Deploy Your Pipeline:

    • Build a Docker image for each step in your pipeline. These images will be used during execution.
    • Deploy your pipeline using the OpenShift Operator. It will create the necessary Kubernetes resources (Pods, Services, etc.).
    • Example:
      oc apply -f my-data-pipeline.yaml
  7. Monitor and Debug:

    • Monitor the progress of your pipeline using OpenShift’s monitoring tools.
    • Debug any issues that arise during execution.
  8. Deploy Your Model:

    • Once your pipeline completes successfully, deploy your trained machine learning model as a Kubernetes Deployment.
    • Expose the model using a Kubernetes Service (LoadBalancer, NodePort, or Ingress).
  9. Access Your Model:

    • Your model is now accessible via the exposed service endpoint.
    • You can integrate it into your applications or use it for predictions.

Example Scenario: Sentiment Analysis Model

Let’s say you’re building a sentiment analysis model. Here’s how you might structure your project:

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:

    • Collect tweets or reviews (your dataset).
    • Preprocess the text data (remove stopwords, tokenize, etc.).
  2. Model Training:

    • Train a sentiment analysis model (e.g., using scikit-learn or TensorFlow).
    • Save the trained model as an artifact.
  3. Pipeline Definition:

    • Define a pipeline that includes steps for data preprocessing and model training.
    • Specify input and output artifacts.
  4. Pipeline Execution:

    • Deploy the pipeline.
    • Execute it to preprocess data and train the model.
  5. Model Deployment:

    • Deploy the trained model as a Kubernetes service.
    • Expose the service for predictions.

Remember that this is a simplified example. In practice, your data science project may involve more complex steps and additional components. OpenShift Data Science provides the infrastructure to manage these processes efficiently within your Kubernetes cluster.


Near Realtime Application with Protobuf and Kafka


                                            Photo by pexel

Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical demo application to explain certain technologies. Not related to any real world scenario.

The Poultry Industry's Quest for Efficiency: Sexing Eggs in Real-Time with AI

The poultry industry faces constant pressure to optimize production and minimize waste. One key challenge is determining the sex of embryos early in the incubation process. Traditionally, this involved manual candling, a labor-intensive and error-prone technique. But what if there was a faster, more accurate way?

Enter the exciting world of near real-time sex prediction using AI and MRI scans. This innovative technology promises to revolutionize the industry by:

  • Boosting Efficiency: Imagine processing thousands of eggs per second, automatically identifying female embryos for optimal resource allocation. No more manual labor, no more missed opportunities.
  • Improving Accuracy: AI models trained on vast datasets can achieve far greater accuracy than human candlers, leading to less waste and more efficient hatchery operations.
  • Real-Time Insights: Get instant feedback on embryo sex, enabling quick decision-making and batch-level analysis for informed management strategies.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Track trends and insights over time to optimize hatching conditions and maximize yield, leading to long-term improvements.

This article dives deep into the intricate details of this groundbreaking technology, exploring the:

  • Technical architecture: From edge scanners to cloud-based processing, understand the intricate network that makes real-time sex prediction possible.
  • Deep learning models: Discover the powerful algorithms trained to identify sex with high accuracy, even in complex egg MRI scans.
  • Data security and privacy: Learn how sensitive data is protected throughout the process, ensuring compliance and ethical use.
  • The future of the poultry industry: Explore the transformative potential of this technology and its impact on efficiency, sustainability, and animal welfare.

First, we need to find out more details before going into deeper for a solution.

Specific Requirements and Constraints:

  • MRI Modality: What type of MRI scanner will be used (e.g., T1-weighted, T2-weighted, functional MRI)?
  • Data Volume and Frequency: How much data will be generated per scan, and how often will scans be performed?
  • Latency Requirements: What is the acceptable delay from image acquisition to analysis results?
  • Security and Compliance: Are there any HIPAA or other regulatory requirements to consider?

Performance and Scalability:

  • Expected Number of Concurrent Users: How many users will be accessing the application simultaneously?
  • Resource Constraints: What are the available computational resources (CPU, GPU, memory, network bandwidth) in your cloud environment?

Analytical Purposes:

  • Specific Tasks: What are the intended downstream applications or analyses for the processed data (e.g., diagnosis, segmentation, registration)?
  • Visualization Needs: Do you require real-time or interactive visualization of results?

Additional Considerations:

  • Deployment Environment: Where will the application be deployed (public cloud, private cloud, on-premises)?
  • Training Data Availability: Do you have a labeled dataset for training the deep learning model?
  • Monitoring and Logging: How will you monitor application performance and troubleshoot issues?

Once you have a clearer understanding of these details, you can dive into further details. Here's a general outline of the end-to-end application solution, incorporating the latest technologies and addressing potential issues:


  1. MRI Acquisition:

    • Use DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard for data acquisition and transmission.
    • Consider pre-processing on the scanner if feasible to reduce data transmission size.
  2. Data Ingestion and Preprocessing:

    • Use a lightweight, scalable message queue (e.g., Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ) to buffer incoming MRI data.
    • Employ a microservice for initial data validation and format conversion (if necessary).
    • Implement a preprocessing microservice for tasks like skull stripping, normalization, and intensity standardization.
  3. Near Real-Time Deep Learning Inference:

    • Choose a containerized deep learning framework (e.g., TensorFlow Serving, PyTorch Inference Server) for efficient deployment and scaling.
    • Consider cloud-based GPU instances for faster inference, especially for large models.
    • Implement a microservice for model loading, inference, and result post-processing.
    • Explore edge computing options (e.g., NVIDIA Triton Inference Server) if latency is critical.
  4. Data Storage and Retrieval:

    • Use a high-performance database (e.g., Apache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB) for storing processed MRI data and analysis results.
    • Consider object storage (e.g., Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage) for archiving raw MRI data.
    • Implement a microservice for data access, retrieval, and query-based filtering.
  5. Analytics and Visualization:

    • Integrate with existing analytical tools or create a custom microservice for data visualization (e.g., using Plotly, Bokeh).
    • Offer interactive visualizations or dashboards for exploring and interpreting results.
  6. Monitoring and Logging:

    • Implement centralized logging and monitoring for all microservices using tools like Prometheus and Grafana.
    • Track key metrics (e.g., latency, resource utilization, errors) for proactive issue detection and troubleshooting.

Technologies and Best Practices:

  • FastAPI: Use FastAPI for building RESTful APIs for microservices due to its ease of use, performance, and integration with async/await for concurrency.
  • Protobuf: Employ Protobuf for data serialization and RPC communication between microservices because of its efficiency and platform-neutrality.
  • Cloud-Based Deployment: Utilize cloud services like AWS, Azure, or GCP for scalability, flexibility, and managed infrastructure.
  • Security: Implement robust security measures like authentication, authorization, and encryption to protect sensitive patient data.
  • Containerization: Use Docker containers for packaging and deploying microservices to ensure consistency and portability.
  • API Gateway: Consider an API gateway (e.g., Kong, Tyk) to manage API traffic, security, and versioning.
  • Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD): Automate build, test, and deployment processes for faster iteration and updates.

Remember that this is a high-level overview, and the specific implementation will depend on your requirements and constraints. 

Based on my hypothetical requirements, I have prepared the following design, architecture and solution high points.


Data Acquisition:

  1. Edge scanner:

    • Use a lightweight, high-throughput framework (e.g., OpenCV, scikit-image) on the edge scanner for basic pre-processing (e.g., resizing, normalization) to reduce data transmission size.
    • Employ an edge-based message queue (e.g., RabbitMQ, Apache Pulsar) for buffering MRI data efficiently.
    • Implement edge security measures (e.g., authentication, encryption) to protect data before sending.
  2. Data Ingestion and Preprocessing:

    • Use Kafka as a high-throughput, scalable message queue to buffer incoming MRI data from multiple edge scanners.
    • Implement a microservice for initial data validation, format conversion (if necessary), and security checks.
    • Run a preprocessing microservice for essential tasks like skull stripping, normalization, and intensity standardization.

Near Real-Time Deep Learning Inference:

  1. Model Selection:
    • Carefully choose a suitable deep learning model architecture and training dataset based on your specific requirements (e.g., accuracy, speed, resource constraints). Consider models like U-Net, DeepLab, or custom architectures tailored for egg image segmentation.
  2. Model Training:
    • Train and validate the model on a representative dataset of labeled egg MRI scans with embryo sex annotations. Ensure high-quality data and address potential biases.
  3. Distributed Inference:
    • Use TensorFlow Serving or PyTorch Inference Server for efficient model deployment and distributed inference across multiple GPUs or TPUs in a hybrid cloud environment.
    • Explore edge inference options (e.g., NVIDIA Triton Inference Server) for latency-critical tasks if feasible.

Data Storage and Retrieval:

  1. NoSQL Database:
    • Use a fast and scalable NoSQL database like MongoDB or Cassandra for storing pre-processed MRI data and analysis results.
    • Consider partitioning and indexing to optimize query performance.
  2. Object Storage:
    • Archive raw MRI data in an object storage service like Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage for long-term archival and potential future analysis.

Analytics and Visualization:

  1. Interactive Visualization:
    • Integrate with a real-time visualization library like Plotly.js or Bokeh for interactive visualization of embryo sex predictions and batch analysis.
    • Allow users to filter, zoom, and explore results for informed decision-making.
  2. Dashboards:
    • Create dashboards to display key metrics, trends, and batch-level summaries for efficient monitoring and decision support.

Monitoring and Logging:

  1. Centralized Logging:
    • Use a centralized logging system like Prometheus and Grafana to collect and visualize logs from all components (edge scanners, microservices, inference servers).
    • Track key metrics (e.g., latency, throughput, errors) for proactive issue detection and troubleshooting.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment:

  1. Edge Scanners:
    • Deploy lightweight pre-processing and data buffering services on edge scanners to minimize data transmission and latency.
  2. Cloud Infrastructure:
    • Use a combination of public cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP) and private cloud infrastructure for scalability, flexibility, and cost optimization.
    • Consider managed services for databases, message queues, and other infrastructure components.

Additional Considerations:

  • Data Security:
    • Implement robust security measures throughout the pipeline, including encryption at rest and in transit, secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, and vulnerability management practices.
  • Scalability and Performance:
    • Continuously monitor and optimize your system for scalability and performance, especially as data volume and user demand increase. Consider auto-scaling mechanisms and load balancing.
  • Monitoring and Logging:
    • Regularly review and analyze logs to identify and address potential issues proactively.
  • Model Maintenance:
    • As your dataset grows or requirements evolve, retrain your deep learning model periodically to maintain accuracy and performance.
  • Ethical Considerations:
    • Ensure responsible use of the technology and address potential ethical concerns related to data privacy, bias, and decision-making transparency.

By carefully considering these factors and tailoring the solution to your specific needs, you can build a robust, scalable, and secure end-to-end application for near real-time sex prediction in egg MRI scans.

Or here is a near alternative thought. You can take a dive into a high level design normally it could be here in this link.

Architecture Overview:

1. Frontend Interface:

   - Users interact through a web interface or mobile app.

   - FastAPI or a lightweight frontend framework like React.js for the web interface.  

2. Load Balancer and API Gateway:

   - Utilize services like AWS Elastic Load Balancing or NGINX for load balancing and routing.

   - API Gateway (e.g., AWS API Gateway) to manage API requests.

3. Microservices:

   - Image Processing Microservice:

     - Receives MRI images from the frontend/customer with EDGE.

     - Utilizes deep learning models for image processing.

     - Dockerize the microservice for easy deployment and scalability.

     - Communicates asynchronously with other microservices using message brokers like Kafka or AWS SQS.

   - Data Processing Microservice:

     - Receives processed data from the Image Processing microservice.

     - Utilizes Protocol Buffers for efficient data serialization.

     - Performs any necessary data transformations or enrichments.

   - Storage Microservice:

     - Handles storing processed data.

     - Utilize cloud-native databases like Amazon Aurora or DynamoDB for scalability and reliability.

     - Ensures data integrity and security.

4. Deep Learning Model Deployment:

   - Use frameworks like TensorFlow Serving or TorchServe for serving deep learning models.

   - Deployed as a separate microservice or within the Image Processing microservice.

   - Containerized using Docker for easy management and scalability.

5. Cloud Infrastructure:

   - Deploy microservices on a cloud provider like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

   - Utilize managed Kubernetes services like Amazon EKS or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for container orchestration.

   - Leverage serverless technologies for auto-scaling and cost optimization.

6. Monitoring and Logging:

   - Implement monitoring using tools like Prometheus and Grafana.

   - Centralized logging with ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or cloud-native solutions like AWS CloudWatch Logs.

7. Security:

   - Implement OAuth2 or JWT for authentication and authorization.

   - Utilize HTTPS for secure communication.

   - Implement encryption at rest and in transit using services like AWS KMS or Azure Key Vault.

8. Analytics and Reporting:

   - Utilize data warehouses like Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery for storing analytical data.

   - Implement batch processing or stream processing using tools like Apache Spark or AWS Glue for further analytics.

   - Utilize visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI for reporting and insights.

This architecture leverages the latest technologies and best practices for near real-time processing of MRI images, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security. We can use with Data pipeline with federated data ownership.

Incorporating a data pipeline with federated data ownership into the architecture can enhance data management and governance. Here's how you can integrate it:

Data Pipeline with Federated Data Ownership:

1. Data Ingestion:

   - Implement data ingestion from edge scanners into the data pipeline.

   - Use Apache NiFi or AWS Data Pipeline for orchestrating data ingestion tasks.

   - Ensure secure transfer of data from edge devices to the pipeline.

2. Data Processing and Transformation:

   - Utilize Apache Spark or AWS Glue for data processing and transformation.

   - Apply necessary transformations on the incoming data to prepare it for further processing.

   - Ensure compatibility with federated data ownership model, where data ownership is distributed among multiple parties.

3. Data Governance and Ownership:

   - Implement a federated data ownership model where different stakeholders have control over their respective data.

   - Define clear data ownership policies and access controls to ensure compliance and security.

   - Utilize tools like Apache Ranger or AWS IAM for managing data access and permissions.

4. Data Storage:

   - Store processed data in a federated manner, where each stakeholder has ownership over their portion of the data.

   - Utilize cloud-native storage solutions like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage for scalable and cost-effective storage.

   - Ensure data segregation and encryption to maintain data security and privacy.

5. Data Analysis and Visualization:

   - Use tools like Apache Zeppelin or Jupyter Notebook for data analysis and exploration.

   - Implement visualizations using libraries like Matplotlib or Plotly.

   - Ensure that visualizations adhere to data ownership and privacy regulations.

6. Data Sharing and Collaboration:

   - Facilitate data sharing and collaboration among stakeholders while maintaining data ownership.

   - Implement secure data sharing mechanisms such as secure data exchange platforms or encrypted data sharing protocols.

   - Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and agreements between stakeholders.

7. Monitoring and Auditing:

   - Implement monitoring and auditing mechanisms to track data usage and access.

   - Utilize logging and monitoring tools like ELK stack or AWS CloudWatch for real-time monitoring and analysis.

   - Ensure transparency and accountability in data handling and processing.

By incorporating a data pipeline with federated data ownership into the architecture, you can ensure that data is managed securely and in compliance with regulations while enabling collaboration and data-driven decision-making across multiple stakeholders.

Now I am going to deep dive into a POC application for this with detailed architectural view.

Architecture Overview:

1. Edge Scanner:

   - Utilize high-speed imaging devices for scanning eggs.

   - Implement edge computing devices for initial processing if necessary.

2. Edge Processing:

   - If required, deploy lightweight processing on edge devices to preprocess data before sending it to the cloud.

3. Message Queue (Kafka or RabbitMQ):

   - Introduce Kafka or RabbitMQ to handle the high throughput of incoming data (1000 eggs/scans per second).

   - Ensure reliable messaging and decoupling of components.

4. FastAPI Backend:

   - Implement a FastAPI backend to handle REST API requests from users.

   - Deploy multiple instances to handle simultaneous requests (100+).

5. Microservices:

   - Image Processing Microservice:

     - Receives egg scan data from the message queue.

     - Utilizes deep learning models to determine the sex of the embryo.

     - Utilize Docker for containerization and scalability.

   - Data Processing Microservice:

     - Receives processed data from the Image Processing microservice.

     - Stores data in MongoDB or a NoSQL database for fast and efficient storage.

   - Visualization Microservice:

     - Provides near real-time visualization of the output to users.

     - Utilizes WebSocket connections for real-time updates.

6. Hybrid Cloud Setup:

   - Utilize Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or AWS for the public cloud backend.

   - Ensure seamless integration and data transfer between edge devices and the cloud.

   - Implement data replication and backup strategies for data resilience.

7. Security:

   - Implement secure communication protocols (HTTPS) for data transfer.

   - Encrypt data at rest and in transit.

   - Utilize role-based access control (RBAC) for user authentication and authorization.

8. Monitoring and Logging:

   - Implement monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana for real-time monitoring of system performance.

   - Utilize centralized logging with ELK stack for comprehensive log management and analysis.

9. Scalability and Resource Management:

   - Utilize Kubernetes for container orchestration to manage resources efficiently.

   - Implement auto-scaling policies to handle varying loads.

This architecture ensures high throughput, low latency, data security, and scalability for processing egg scans to determine the sex of embryos. It leverages Kafka/RabbitMQ for handling high throughput, FastAPI for serving REST APIs, MongoDB/NoSQL for efficient data storage, and hybrid cloud setup for flexibility and resilience. Additionally, it includes monitoring and logging for system visibility and management.

Sure, below is a simplified implementation example of the backend serverless function using Lambda, FastAPI, Kafka, and Protocol Buffers for the given application:

python code

# Lambda function handler

import json

from fastapi import FastAPI

from kafka import KafkaProducer

from pydantic import BaseModel

app = FastAPI()

class EggScan(BaseModel):

    egg_id: str

    scan_data: bytes"/process-egg-scan")

async def process_egg_scan(egg_scan: EggScan):

    # Send egg scan data to Kafka topic

    producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='your_kafka_broker:9092')

    producer.send('egg-scans', egg_scan.json().encode('utf-8'))



    return {"message": "Egg scan data processed successfully"}

# Kafka consumer handler

from kafka import KafkaConsumer

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks

from typing import Dict

async def process_egg_scan_background(egg_scan: Dict):

    # Implement your processing logic here

    print("Processing egg scan:", egg_scan)


async def startup_event():

    # Start Kafka consumer

    consumer = KafkaConsumer('egg-scans', bootstrap_servers='your_kafka_broker:9092', group_id='egg-processing-group')

    for message in consumer:

        egg_scan = json.loads(message.value.decode('utf-8'))

        # Execute processing logic in background

        background_tasks.add_task(process_egg_scan_background, egg_scan)

# Protocol Buffers implementation (protobuf files and code generation)

# Example protobuf definition (egg_scan.proto)


syntax = "proto3";

message EggScan {

  string egg_id = 1;

  bytes scan_data = 2;



# Compile protobuf definition to Python code

# protoc -I=. --python_out=. egg_scan.proto

# Generated Python code usage

from egg_scan_pb2 import EggScan

egg_scan = EggScan()

egg_scan.egg_id = "123"

egg_scan.scan_data = b"example_scan_data"

# Serialize to bytes

egg_scan_bytes = egg_scan.SerializeToString()

# Deserialize from bytes

deserialized_egg_scan = EggScan()


In this example:

The FastAPI application receives egg scan data via HTTP POST requests at the /process-egg-scan endpoint. Upon receiving the data, it sends it to a Kafka topic named 'egg-scans'.

The Kafka consumer runs asynchronously on the FastAPI server using BackgroundTasks. It consumes messages from the 'egg-scans' topic and processes them in the background.

Protocol Buffers are used for serializing and deserializing the egg scan data efficiently.

Please note that this is a simplified example for demonstration purposes. In a production environment, you would need to handle error cases, implement proper serialization/deserialization, configure Kafka for production use, handle scaling and concurrency issues, and ensure proper security measures are in place.

Below are simplified examples of worker process scripts for two microservices: one for processing and saving data, and another for serving customer/admin requests related to the data.

Microservice 1: Processing and Saving Data



from kafka import KafkaConsumer

from pymongo import MongoClient

from egg_scan_pb2 import EggScan

# Kafka consumer configuration

consumer = KafkaConsumer('egg-scans', bootstrap_servers='your_kafka_broker:9092', group_id='egg-processing-group')

# MongoDB client initialization

mongo_client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_mongodb_uri')

db = mongo_client['egg_scans_db']

egg_scans_collection = db['egg_scans']

# Processing and saving logic

for message in consumer:

    egg_scan = EggScan()



    # Process egg scan data

    processed_data = process_egg_scan(egg_scan)


    # Save processed data to MongoDB



Microservice 2: Serving Customer/Admin Requests



from fastapi import FastAPI

from pymongo import MongoClient

app = FastAPI()

# MongoDB client initialization

mongo_client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_mongodb_uri')

db = mongo_client['egg_scans_db']

egg_scans_collection = db['egg_scans']


async def get_egg_scan(egg_id: str):

    # Retrieve egg scan data from MongoDB

    egg_scan_data = egg_scans_collection.find_one({"egg_id": egg_id})

    if egg_scan_data:

        return egg_scan_data


        return {"message": "Egg scan data not found"}


async def get_all_egg_scans():

    # Retrieve all egg scan data from MongoDB

    all_egg_scans = egg_scans_collection.find()

    return list(all_egg_scans)


In these examples:

- Microservice 1 (``) listens to the Kafka topic `'egg-scans'`, processes incoming egg scan data, and saves the processed data to a MongoDB database.

- Microservice 2 (``) is a FastAPI application that provides HTTP endpoints for retrieving egg scan data from MongoDB. It has two endpoints: one for retrieving data for a specific egg ID (`/egg-scans/{egg_id}`) and another for retrieving all egg scan data (`/egg-scans`).

These scripts are simplified for demonstration purposes. In a production environment, you would need to handle error cases, implement proper logging, configure authentication and authorization, and consider scalability and performance optimizations. Additionally, you may want to deploy these microservices in containers for easier management and scalability.

Hope this gives you an idea to start thinking of real solutions. Below are some reference links.

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