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Showing posts from August 5, 2008

Writing Scalable Applications with PHP

The first part of this article, "Real-World PHP Security", appeared in the April 2004 issue of Linux Journal and covered the subject of secure PHP development. This article takes you, the professional PHP developer, one step further, by providing detailed explanations and reliable source code that illustrate the steps to follow in order to develop successful PHP applications. One day or another, every developer faces a situation in which he/she is responsible for extending the functionality of an existing application or prepare an application for an increase in use and traffic (scaling up). Our goal today is to make this process trivial by learning to develop applications based on a clean, elegant and modular design that is secure, reliable and flexible while keeping it all simple. Please refer to Figure 1, previously introduced in "Real World PHP Security" and included below. Figure 1. Our Application Model Diagram Cleaning Up the Operating Environment As a...