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Showing posts from July 2, 2008

How to use PDO for PHP and Oracle and other DB

The PDO library is a powerful addition to PHP. It shines when you need to build applications capable of talking to different database systems. It also has other very useful capabilities. This article, the first in a three-part series, will introduce you to this versatile library. Introduction PHP developers who used to work with different relational database systems have had two choices when it came to building their web applications. They either had to include a third-party library that allowed transparent handling of the interaction with RDBMSes, or, in the worse case, they had to create their own database abstraction layers, which was a time-consuming process. In the first case, picking up a pre-built package that provided PHP programmers with a decent level of abstraction for using diverse database servers was reduced to choosing between a certain number of well-trusted libraries. These include the robust PEAR::DB, or the excellent ADODb database abstraction software, to name the m...