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Showing posts from April 13, 2013

Step By Step Guide To Install Memcache On Linux

This post is more like a note to me, so that in future I can look up for steps involved in installing  memcache  on Linux servers like Centos or RHEL. Those of you who  follow me on twitter , will know that me and my friends spends hours trying to install memcache on one of our web server. Normally this is a five minute job, but unfortunately for us those tricks did not work out. So if you have tried YUM and APT-GET and still could not install the memcache then read on, to find the alternate( read manual, without magic ) way of doing it. When we talk about Memcache their two things that needs to be installed Memcache Daemon  know as memcached, and Memcache client  for your programing language, in this case PHP. Installing Memcache Daemon Note these steps has been taken from Steps to install Libevent(memcached dependency) First we need to check if libevent is installed or not? type...

PrestaShop vs Magento which is better for e-commerce

The most widespread shopping platform. There is no need to say anything more. You all know this shopping cart. It’s Magento!  One of the most user-friendly and easy to operate shopping carts. It’s  PrestaShop ! So, let’s get ready to rumble!!! Who is where It is an open source and free to download shopping cart. Magento community is extremely big and includes around 375 000 of people. More than 100 000 of Internet shops are based on Magento. The platform is available in 60 languages and this number continues to grow! Incredibly, but it seems that at the moment Magento is one of the best options and it definitely wins the first round. Don’t forget that PrestaShop is also an open source platform. And it is available in more than 40 languages. At the moment more than 50 000 of Web stores are using this platform. This number is constantly growing from year to year with amazing speed. And what is even more important all users agree that PrestaShop has far more user-fri...