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Showing posts with the label free account

IBM GenAI Course for Business Leaders Outline

Basic AI terminology includes: Large language models (LLMs) Deep learning Supervised learning Transformers Foundation models Language Self-supervised learning Generative AI It is important to democratize AI, leveraging the energy and the transparency of open science and open-source AI so that we all have a voice in: What AI is What AI does How AI is used How AI impacts society How AI integrates with your business To help you effectively, safely, and responsibly put AI to work, you must: Protect your data Embrace principles of transparency and trust Make sure that your AI is implemented ethically Empower yourself with platforms and processes to control your AI destiny Foundation models are trained using self-supervised learning. If you give the model a few words in a prompt, it can mathematically predict the likelihood of words in the response. There are basically three models of AI consumption, including: Embedded AI APIs Platform models The future of AI is not about one model, it'...

How to Create Azure FREE Account

  Creating an Azure free account is beneficial for several reasons, especially if you are exploring cloud computing, developing applications, or learning about Azure services. Here are some key reasons why you might want to create an Azure free account: 1. Learning and Skill Development:    - Hands-On Experience: An Azure free account allows you to gain practical, hands-on experience with various Azure services. This is crucial for learning cloud computing concepts and developing practical skills. 2. Experimentation without Cost:    - Free Services: Azure provides a range of free services for 12 months, along with a limited amount of free services forever. This enables you to experiment with different services, test your applications, and understand how Azure can meet your specific needs without incurring costs. 3. App Development and Testing:    - Build and Test Applications: If you are a developer, the Azure free account provides you with the resour...