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Showing posts from September 11, 2007


View my page on Singapore PHP User Group Hi Friends, Express about yourself related to LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP ). Tell your amazing story of your success through LAMP. As I am working / leaving by LAMP for more than 5 years. I have gathered many beautiful memories with it. My Story: I am from a very poor family in India. Like other poor children I also got lot of trouble and obstacle throughout my life journey. But my iron determination and help from my mother and other family members as well as friends and some unknown people, today I have achieved a position (though it is just beginning). I couldn't afford good school, good teacher or good books. But I always believe that if a person think that he can then he surely can. I am a commerce graduate but I always learned / study science, technology and many different type of books since my childhood. I always spend lot of time in public library even in as early age in 10 or 11 years old. I always liked body building, boxing...