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Showing posts from June 11, 2008

Create Multi-Mobile Applications with PHP

What is a Multi-Mobile Application? The typical job description in the technology industry doesn’t include hazardous duty pay for all of the annoying acronyms, buzzwords and overhyped slogans that get tossed around. As such, I’m always cautious about using a new one (yes, I still feel a little funny talking about AJAX). However, I have noticed a trend toward a new type of web application that is focused on the delivery of content and interactivity to end users through multiple devices (desktop browser, cell phone, traditional phone, PDA, IM client, etc.). This new breed of application, in my humble opinion, deserves its own buzzword — “Multi-mobile” applications. Fans of XHTML+Voice and SALT will know instantly what multimodal applications are — applications that support different kinds of user input (i.e., voice, keypad, stylus) through the same interface. Multi-mobile applications are differnet. These applications deliver content that is specifically tailored to the device being empl...