Showing posts with label gil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gil. Show all posts


The new feature in Python 3.13 allowing CPython to run without the Global Interpreter Lock

Understanding Free-threaded CPython and Parallel Execution

The new feature in Python 3.13, allowing CPython to run without the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), is significant for improving parallelism in Python programs. Here’s a detailed explanation along with a code example to illustrate how it works and the benefits it brings:

Key Points

1. Disabling the GIL: CPython can be built with the `--disable-gil` option, allowing threads to run in parallel across multiple CPU cores.

2. Parallel Execution: This enables full utilization of multi-core processors, leading to potential performance improvements for multi-threaded programs.

3. Experimental Feature: This is still experimental and may have bugs and performance trade-offs in single-threaded contexts.

4. Optional GIL: The GIL can still be enabled or disabled at runtime using the `PYTHON_GIL` environment variable or the `-X gil` command-line option.

5. C-API Extensions: Extensions need to be adapted to work without the GIL.

Demo Code Example

To demonstrate, let's create a multi-threaded program that benefits from the free-threaded execution.


import sysconfig

import sys

import threading

import time

# Check if the current interpreter is configured with --disable-gil

is_gil_disabled = sysconfig.get_config_var("Py_GIL_DISABLED")

print(f"GIL disabled in build: {is_gil_disabled}")

# Check if the GIL is actually disabled in the running process

is_gil_enabled = sys._is_gil_enabled()

print(f"GIL enabled at runtime: {is_gil_enabled}")

# Define a function to simulate a CPU-bound task

def cpu_bound_task(duration):

    start = time.time()

    while time.time() - start < duration:


    print(f"Task completed by thread {threading.current_thread().name}")

# Create and start multiple threads

threads = []

for i in range(4):

    thread = threading.Thread(target=cpu_bound_task, args=(2,), name=f"Thread-{i+1}")



# Wait for all threads to complete

for thread in threads:


print("All tasks completed.")


How it Helps with Parallelism and Software

1. Enhanced Performance: By disabling the GIL, this allows true parallel execution of threads, utilizing multiple cores effectively, which can significantly improve performance for CPU-bound tasks.

2. Scalability: Programs can scale better on modern multi-core processors, making Python more suitable for high-performance computing tasks.

3. Compatibility: Existing code may require minimal changes to benefit from this feature, particularly if it already uses threading.

4. Flexibility: Developers can choose to enable or disable the GIL at runtime based on the specific needs of their application, providing greater flexibility.

Practical Considerations

- Single-threaded Performance: Disabling the GIL may lead to a performance hit in single-threaded applications due to the overhead of managing locks.

- Bugs and Stability: As an experimental feature, it may still have bugs, so thorough testing is recommended.

- C Extensions: Ensure that C extensions are compatible with the free-threaded build, using the new mechanisms provided.

In summary, the free-threaded CPython in Python 3.13 offers significant potential for improving the performance of multi-threaded applications, making better use of multi-core processors and enhancing the scalability of Python programs.

Yes, the new free-threaded CPython feature can be beneficial when used in conjunction with parallelism via processes, although the primary advantage of disabling the GIL directly applies to multi-threading. Here’s a brief overview and an example demonstrating how parallelism with processes can be combined with the new free-threaded CPython:

Combining Free-threaded CPython with Multiprocessing

Key Points

1. Multi-threading vs. Multiprocessing:

   - Multi-threading: Removing the GIL allows threads to run truly in parallel, making threading more efficient for CPU-bound tasks.

   - Multiprocessing: The `multiprocessing` module spawns separate Python processes, each with its own GIL, enabling parallel execution across multiple cores without the need to disable the GIL.

2. Combining Both: Using free-threaded CPython can optimize CPU-bound tasks within a single process, while multiprocessing can distribute tasks across multiple processes for additional parallelism.

Code Example

Here's an example combining threading and multiprocessing:


import sysconfig

import sys

import threading

import multiprocessing

import time

# Check if the current interpreter is configured with --disable-gil

is_gil_disabled = sysconfig.get_config_var("Py_GIL_DISABLED")

print(f"GIL disabled in build: {is_gil_disabled}")

# Check if the GIL is actually disabled in the running process

is_gil_enabled = sys._is_gil_enabled()

print(f"GIL enabled at runtime: {is_gil_enabled}")

# Define a function to simulate a CPU-bound task

def cpu_bound_task(duration):

    start = time.time()

    while time.time() - start < duration:


    print(f"Task completed by thread {threading.current_thread().name}")

# Wrapper function for multiprocessing

def multiprocessing_task():

    # Create and start multiple threads

    threads = []

    for i in range(4):

        thread = threading.Thread(target=cpu_bound_task, args=(2,), name=f"Thread-{i+1}")



    # Wait for all threads to complete

    for thread in threads:


# Create and start multiple processes

processes = []

for i in range(2):  # Adjust the number of processes as needed

    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=multiprocessing_task)



# Wait for all processes to complete

for process in processes:


print("All tasks completed.")


Benefits and Use Cases

1. Maximized CPU Utilization: Using threading within processes allows for full utilization of multi-core processors, both at the thread and process level.

2. Improved Performance: This hybrid approach can significantly improve performance for CPU-bound tasks, especially in scenarios requiring heavy computation.

3. Scalability: Programs can scale effectively, distributing tasks across multiple cores and processes.

Practical Considerations

- Resource Management: Ensure proper management of resources to avoid excessive context switching or memory overhead.

- Complexity: Combining threading and multiprocessing can add complexity to the code, so it’s important to handle synchronization and communication between threads and processes carefully.

- Compatibility: Verify that all components, including C extensions, are compatible with the free-threaded build if you decide to disable the GIL.

By leveraging both threading and multiprocessing, you can achieve efficient parallelism and fully exploit modern multi-core hardware, especially with the enhancements brought by the new free-threaded CPython.

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