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Showing posts from July 27, 2008

Gadgets aplciation with PHP and Shindig server

Shindig - an Apache incubator project for OpenSocial and gadgets What is Shindig? Shindig is a new project in the Apache Software Foundation incubator and is an open source implementation of the OpenSocial specification and gadgets specification . The architectural components of Shindig can be broken down as follows: Gadget Container JavaScript -- core JavaScript foundation for general gadget functionality. This JavaScript manages security, communication, UI layout, and feature extensions, such as the OpenSocial API. Gadget Server -- used to render the gadget XML into JavaScript and HTML for the container to expose via the container JavaScript. OpenSocial Container JavaScript -- JavaScript environment that sits on top of the Gadget Container JavaScript and provides OpenSocial specific functionality (profiles, friends, activities, datastore). OpenSocial Data Server -- an implementation of the server interface to container-specifi...

Load balancing with PHP and MySql

Your enterprise portal or ERP site's server might have overloaded with huge records of your users and admin data. And you might have tried lot of options to over come this problem raised from your success eventually. But there is a ultimate solution after optimize the architecture and code. It is Load Balancing. Let take a look what is load balancing at a glance. Balance the overhead or load from one server to distribute into several replicated servers. So that application can manage the load very efficiently. Clustering and replication sometimes synonymous but it has also some basic and technological differences. First we will see what is replication and how to setup in respect of MySql. There are a number of different methods for setting up replication, and the exact method that you use will depend on how you are setting up replication, and whether you already have data within your master database. There are some generic tasks which may be required ...