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Showing posts from August 4, 2008

Running PHP Scripts with Cron

Lots of programmers like PHP for its ability to code and develop web applications fast. Code-debugging is a lot easier than with PERL or C. However, there is one thing a lot of developers are puzzled about, “How to run PHP Scripts with crontab?” Cron is normally available on all Unix and Linux distributions; if you cannot access it, contact your root or server administrator. It is a daemon which allows you to schedule a program or script for a specific time of execution. If you want to learn more about cron, click here or type “man crontab” at your command prompt. I have found myself in the need to run PHP scripts at specific times. For example, to update the content of a website, to remove expired articles, to send out e-mails on a given date and a lot more. While some may think that this is were PHP is doomed, I will show you how it’s done. A Manual crontab? The first solution that came to my mind was to run the script directly from my browser (e.g.

Caching PHP Programs with PEAR

Contents: Caching in context Where to get PEAR Cache How PEAR Cache works Function call caching Output caching Customized solutions style="font-size:85%;"> Caching in context Caching is currently a hot topic in the PHP world. Because PHP produces dynamic web pages, scripts must be run and results must be calculated each time a web page is requested, regardless if the results are the same each time. In addition, PHP compiles the script every time it is requested. This overhead can seriously slow down a site with heavy traffic. Fortunately, the results of a web request can be stored, or cached, and presented to matching requests without having to re-run or recompile the scripts. Commercial products like ZendCache or open-source solutions such as Alternate PHP Cache provide a means to cache the compiled version of a PHP script -- the byte-code. While these "PHP land" solutions scratch an itch in PHP's design, "Userland" solutions can go a step...