Showing posts with label mlops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mlops. Show all posts



MLOps, short for Machine Learning Operations, is a critical function in the field of Machine Learning engineering. It focuses on streamlining the process of taking machine learning models from development to production and then maintaining and monitoring them. MLOps involves collaboration among data scientists, DevOps engineers, and IT professionals12.

Here are some key points about MLOps:

  1. Purpose of MLOps:

    • Streamlining Production: MLOps ensures a smooth transition of machine learning models from research environments to production systems.
    • Continuous Improvement: It facilitates experimentation, iteration, and continuous enhancement of the machine learning lifecycle.
    • Collaboration: MLOps bridges the gap between data engineering, data science, and ML engineering teams.
  2. Benefits of MLOps:

  3. Components of MLOps:

    • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Iteratively explore, share, and prepare data for the ML lifecycle.
    • Data Prep and Feature Engineering: Transform raw data into features suitable for model training.
    • Model Training and Tuning: Develop and fine-tune ML models.
    • Model Review and Governance: Ensure model quality and compliance.
    • Model Inference and Serving: Deploy models for predictions.
    • Model Monitoring: Continuously monitor model performance.
    • Automated Model Retraining: Update models as new data becomes available1.

Regarding deploying ML applications into the cloud, several cloud providers offer services for model deployment. Here are some options:

  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS):

    • Amazon SageMaker: Provides tools for building, training, and deploying ML models.
    • AWS Lambda: Serverless compute service for running code in response to events.
    • Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service): Deploy ML models in containers.
    • Amazon EC2: Deploy models on virtual machines5.
  3. Microsoft Azure:

    • Azure Machine Learning: End-to-end ML lifecycle management.
    • Azure Functions: Serverless compute for event-driven applications.
    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Deploy models in containers.
    • Azure Virtual Machines: Deploy models on VMs5.

Let’s walk through an end-to-end example of deploying a machine learning model using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). In this scenario, we’ll create a simple sentiment analysis model and deploy it as a web service.

End-to-End Example: Sentiment Analysis Model Deployment on GCP

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:

    • Gather a dataset of text reviews (e.g., movie reviews).
    • Preprocess the data by cleaning, tokenizing, and converting text into numerical features.
  2. Model Development:

    • Train a sentiment analysis model (e.g., using natural language processing techniques or pre-trained embeddings).
    • Evaluate the model’s performance using cross-validation.
  3. Model Export:

    • Save the trained model in a format suitable for deployment (e.g., a serialized file or a TensorFlow SavedModel).
  4. Google Cloud Setup:

    • Create a GCP account if you don’t have one.
    • Set up a new project in GCP.
  5. Google App Engine Deployment:

    • Create a Flask web application that accepts text input.
    • Load the saved model into the Flask app.
    • Deploy the Flask app to Google App Engine.
    • Expose an API endpoint for sentiment analysis.
  6. Testing the Deployment:

    • Send HTTP requests to the deployed API endpoint with sample text.
    • Receive sentiment predictions (positive/negative) as responses.
  7. Monitoring and Scaling:

    • Monitor the deployed app for performance, errors, and usage.
    • Scale the app based on demand (e.g., auto-scaling with App Engine).
  8. Access Control and Security:

    • Set up authentication and authorization for the API.
    • Ensure secure communication (HTTPS).
  9. Maintenance and Updates:

    • Regularly update the model (retrain with new data if needed).
    • Monitor and address any issues that arise.
  10. Cost Management:

    • Monitor costs associated with the deployed app.
    • Optimize resources to minimize expenses.

Let’s walk through an end-to-end example of deploying a machine learning model using Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML). In this scenario, we’ll create a simple sentiment analysis model and deploy it as a web service.

End-to-End Example: Sentiment Analysis Model Deployment on Azure ML

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:

    • Gather a dataset of text reviews (e.g., movie reviews).
    • Preprocess the data by cleaning, tokenizing, and converting text into numerical features.
  2. Model Development:

    • Train a sentiment analysis model (e.g., using natural language processing techniques or pre-trained embeddings).
    • Evaluate the model’s performance using cross-validation.
  3. Model Export:

    • Save the trained model in a format suitable for deployment (e.g., a serialized file or a TensorFlow SavedModel).
  4. Azure ML Setup:

    • Create an Azure ML workspace if you don’t have one.
    • Set up your environment with the necessary Python packages and dependencies.
  5. Register the Model:

    • Use Azure ML SDK to register your trained model in the workspace.
  6. Create an Inference Pipeline:

    • Define an inference pipeline that includes data preprocessing and model scoring steps.
    • Specify the entry script that loads the model and performs predictions.
  7. Deploy the Model:

    • Deploy the inference pipeline as a web service using Azure Container Instances or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
    • Obtain the scoring endpoint URL.
  8. Testing the Deployment:

    • Send HTTP requests to the deployed API endpoint with sample text.
    • Receive sentiment predictions (positive/negative) as responses.
  9. Monitoring and Scaling:

    • Monitor the deployed service for performance, errors, and usage.
    • Scale the service based on demand.
  10. Access Control and Security:

    • Set up authentication and authorization for the API.
    • Ensure secure communication (HTTPS).
  11. Maintenance and Updates:

    • Regularly update the model (retrain with new data if needed).
    • Monitor and address any issues that arise.

You can get more details there on the internet. However, you can start with the first basic and then take one cloud and practice some. 


Building a Financial Assistant

Power of 3-Pipeline Design in ML: Building a Financial Assistant

In the realm of Machine Learning (ML), the 3-Pipeline Design has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the approach to building robust ML systems. This design philosophy, also known as the Feature/Training/Inference (FTI) architecture, offers a structured way to dissect and optimize your ML pipeline. In this article, we'll delve into how this approach can be employed to craft a formidable financial assistant using Large Language Models (LLMs) and explore each pipeline's significance.

What is 3-Pipeline Design?

3-Pipeline Design is a new approach to machine learning that can be used to build high-performance financial assistants. This design is based on the idea of using three separate pipelines to process and analyze financial data. These pipelines are:

The data pipeline: This pipeline is responsible for collecting, cleaning, and preparing financial data for analysis.

The feature engineering pipeline: This pipeline is responsible for extracting features from the financial data. These features can then be used to train machine learning models.

The machine learning pipeline: This pipeline is responsible for training and deploying machine learning models. These models can then be used to make predictions about financial data.

Benefits of 3-Pipeline Design

There are several benefits to using 3-Pipeline Design to build financial assistants. Some of these benefits include:

Improved performance: 3-Pipeline Design can help to improve the performance of financial assistants by allowing each pipeline to be optimized for a specific task.

Increased flexibility: 3-Pipeline Design makes it easier to experiment with different machine learning models and algorithms. This can help to improve the accuracy of financial predictions.

Reduced risk: 3-Pipeline Design can help to reduce the risk of financial assistants making inaccurate predictions. This is because the different pipelines can be used to check each other's work.

How to Build a Financial Assistant with 3-Pipeline Design

The following steps can be used to build a financial assistant with 3-Pipeline Design:

Collect financial data: The first step is to collect financial data from a variety of sources. This data can include historical financial data, real-time financial data, and customer data.

Clean and prepare financial data: The financial data must then be cleaned and prepared for analysis. This may involve removing errors, filling in missing values, and normalizing the data.

Extract features from financial data: The next step is to extract features from the financial data. These features can be used to train machine learning models.

Train machine learning models: The extracted features can then be used to train machine learning models. These models can then be used to make predictions about financial data.

Deploy machine learning models: The final step is to deploy the machine learning models into production. This involves making the models available to users and monitoring their performance.

Understanding the 3-Pipeline Design

The 3-Pipeline Design acts as a mental map, aiding developers in breaking down their monolithic ML pipeline into three distinct components:

1. Feature Pipeline

2. Training Pipeline

3. Inference Pipeline

Building a Financial Assistant: A Practical Example

1. Feature Pipeline

The Feature Pipeline serves as a streaming mechanism for extracting real-time financial news from Alpaca. Its functions include:

- Cleaning and chunking news documents.

- Embedding chunks using an encoder-only LM.

- Loading embeddings and metadata into a vector database (feature store).

- Deploying the vector database to AWS.

The vector database, acting as the feature store, stays synchronized with the latest news, providing real-time context to the Language Model (LM) through Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

2. Training Pipeline

The Training Pipeline unfolds in two key steps:

a. Q&A Dataset Semiautomated Generation Step

This step involves utilizing the vector database and a set of predefined questions. The process includes:

- Employing RAG to inject context along with predefined questions.

- Utilizing a potent model, like GPT-4, to generate answers.

- Saving the generated dataset under a new version.

    b. Fine-Tuning Step

- Downloading a pre-trained LLM from Huggingface.

- Loading the LLM using QLoRA.

- Preprocessing the Q&A dataset into a format expected by the LLM.

- Fine-tuning the LLM.

- Pushing the best QLoRA weights to a model registry.

- Deploying it as a continuous training pipeline using serverless solutions.

3. Inference Pipeline

The Inference Pipeline represents the actively used financial assistant, incorporating:

- Downloading the pre-trained LLM.

- Loading the LLM using the pre-trained QLoRA weights.

- Connecting the LLM and vector database.

- Utilizing RAG to add relevant financial news.

- Deploying it through a serverless solution under a RESTful API.

Key Advantages of FTI Architecture

1. Transparent Interface: FTI defines a transparent interface between the three modules, facilitating seamless communication.

2. Technological Flexibility: Each component can leverage different technologies for implementation and deployment.

3. Loose Coupling: The three pipelines are loosely coupled through the feature store and model registry.

4. Independent Scaling: Every component can be scaled independently, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

In conclusion, the 3-Pipeline Design offers a structured, modular approach to ML development, providing flexibility, transparency, and scalability. Through the lens of building a financial assistant, we've witnessed how this architecture can be harnessed to unlock the full potential of Large Language Models in real-world applications.


Data Drift and MLOps

                                                                Photo by chris howard

Data drift refers to the phenomenon where the statistical properties of the incoming data used to train a machine learning model change over time. This change in data distribution can negatively impact the model's performance and predictive accuracy. Data drift can occur for various reasons and has significant implications for the effectiveness of machine learning models in production.

Key points about data drift include:

1. Causes of Data Drift:

   - Seasonal Changes: Data patterns may vary with seasons or other periodic trends.

   - External Factors: Changes in the external environment, such as economic conditions, regulations, or user behavior, can lead to data drift.

   - Instrumentation Changes: Modifications in data collection processes or instruments may affect the characteristics of the data.

2. Impact on Machine Learning Models:

   - Performance Degradation: Models trained on historical data may perform poorly on new data with a different distribution.

   - Reduced Generalization: The ability of a model to generalize to unseen data diminishes when the training data becomes less representative of the target distribution.

3. Detection and Monitoring:

   - Statistical Tests: Continuous monitoring using statistical tests (e.g., Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Jensen-Shannon divergence) can help detect changes in data distribution.

   - Drift Detection Tools: Specialized tools and platforms are available to monitor and detect data drift automatically.

4. Mitigation Strategies:

   - Regular Model Retraining: Periodic retraining of machine learning models using fresh and representative data can help mitigate the impact of data drift.

   - Adaptive Models: Implementing models that can adapt to changing data distributions in real-time.

   - Feature Engineering: Regularly reviewing and updating features based on their relevance to the current data distribution.

5. Challenges:

   - Label Drift: Changes in the distribution of the target variable (labels) can complicate model performance evaluation.

   - Concept Drift: In addition to data drift, concept drift refers to changes in the relationships between features and target variables.

6. Business Implications:

   - Decision Accuracy: Data drift can lead to inaccurate predictions, affecting business decisions and outcomes.

   - Model Trustworthiness: Trust in machine learning models may erode if they consistently provide inaccurate predictions due to data drift.

Addressing data drift is an ongoing process in machine learning operations (MLOps) to ensure that deployed models remain accurate and reliable over time. Continuous monitoring, proactive detection, and adaptive strategies are essential components of managing data drift effectively. 

The relationship between data drift and MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) is significant, and managing data drift is a crucial aspect of maintaining the effectiveness of machine learning models in production. Here are the key points that highlight the connection between data drift and MLOps:

1. Model Performance Monitoring:

   - Detection in Real-time: MLOps involves continuous monitoring of model performance in production. Data drift detection mechanisms are integrated into MLOps pipelines to identify shifts in data distribution as soon as they occur.

2. Automated Retraining:

   - Dynamic Model Updates: MLOps practices often include automated workflows for model retraining. When data drift is detected, MLOps systems trigger the retraining of models using the most recent and representative data, ensuring that models adapt to changing conditions.

3. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

   - Automated Deployment Pipelines: CI/CD pipelines in MLOps facilitate the seamless deployment of updated models. When data drift is identified, MLOps pipelines automatically deploy retrained models into production environments, minimizing downtime and ensuring that the deployed models align with the current data distribution.

4. Feedback Loops:

   - Monitoring and Feedback: MLOps incorporates feedback loops that gather information on model performance, including any degradation due to data drift. This information is used to iteratively improve models and maintain their accuracy over time.

5. Model Versioning and Rollbacks:

   - Version Control: MLOps emphasizes the importance of model versioning. When data drift impacts model performance negatively, MLOps practices enable organizations to roll back to a previous model version, maintaining consistency and reliability in production.

6. Collaboration and Communication:

   - Cross-functional Collaboration: MLOps encourages collaboration between data scientists, data engineers, and operations teams. Teams work together to address data drift challenges, implement effective monitoring, and develop strategies for model adaptation.

7. Scalability and Automation:

   - Scalable Solutions: MLOps platforms provide scalable solutions for managing large-scale deployments of machine learning models. Automation is key to handling the complexities of data drift detection, model retraining, and deployment across diverse environments.

8. Security and Compliance:

   - Adherence to Standards: MLOps frameworks often incorporate security and compliance standards. Continuous monitoring for data drift helps ensure that models remain compliant with evolving regulations and security requirements.

In summary, data drift is an inherent challenge in real-world machine learning deployments. MLOps practices and principles address data drift by integrating automated monitoring, retraining, and deployment processes. This ensures that machine learning models remain accurate, reliable, and aligned with the changing nature of the data they analyze.


Start with MLOPS


What is MLOps?

MLOps is the practice of applying DevOps principles to machine learning (ML) development and operations. It aims to automate and streamline the ML lifecycle, from data preparation and model training to deployment and monitoring.

What is CI/CD?

CI/CD stands for continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment. It is a set of practices that automate the software development process, from code development to testing and deployment.

How to use MLOps and CI/CD in the cloud

There are a number of cloud platforms that offer tools and services for MLOps and CI/CD, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These platforms can help you to automate and streamline your ML development and deployment process.

Example of MLOps and CI/CD pipeline in the cloud

Here is an example of an MLOps and CI/CD pipeline in the cloud:

Data preparation: The data is prepared and cleaned using cloud-based data processing tools.

Model training: The model is trained using cloud-based ML training tools.

Model evaluation: The model is evaluated using cloud-based ML evaluation tools.

Model deployment: The model is deployed to a cloud-based ML serving platform.

Model monitoring: The model is monitored for performance and drift using cloud-based ML monitoring tools.

Full guide for MLOps and CI/CD in the cloud

Here is a full guide for MLOps and CI/CD in the cloud:

Choose a cloud platform: Choose a cloud platform that offers the tools and services that you need for MLOps and CI/CD.

Set up your CI/CD pipeline: Set up your CI/CD pipeline to automate the ML development and deployment process.

Use cloud-based MLOps tools: Use cloud-based MLOps tools to automate and streamline the ML lifecycle.

Monitor your ML models: Monitor your ML models for performance and drift.

Benefits of using MLOps and CI/CD in the cloud

There are several benefits to using MLOps and CI/CD in the cloud:

Increased agility: You can develop and deploy ML models more quickly and easily.

Improved quality: You can improve the quality of your ML models by automating testing and monitoring.

Reduced costs: You can save money by using cloud-based resources.

Example of MLOps with AWS

Let's say we want to build an ML model to predict customer churn on AWS. We can follow these steps:

1. Prepare the data: We need to collect and prepare the data that we will use to train our model. This data could include customer demographics, purchase history, and other relevant information. We can use AWS services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to prepare our data.

2. Choose a model: We need to choose an ML model that is appropriate for our problem. We can use AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker Autopilot to choose a model automatically, or we can choose a model manually.

3. Train the model: We need to train the model on our prepared data. We can use AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker Training to train our model.

4. Deploy the model: Once the model is trained, we need to deploy it to production so that we can use it to make predictions. We can use AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker Model Serving to deploy our model.

5. Monitor the model: Once the model is deployed, we need to monitor its performance to make sure that it is still accurate and reliable. We can use AWS services such as Amazon SageMaker Monitoring to monitor our model.

Once we have deployed our model to production, we can use MLOps to automate and streamline the process of updating and maintaining the model. For example, we can use MLOps to automate the following tasks:

Feature selection: We can use MLOps to automate the process of selecting the most important features for our model. This can help to improve the accuracy and efficiency of our model.

Model testing: We can use MLOps to automate the process of testing our model on new data to ensure that it is still accurate.

Model deployment: We can use MLOps to automate the process of deploying new versions of our model to production.

Example of MLOps with Azure

The steps for building and deploying an ML model on Azure are similar to the steps for AWS. We can use Azure services such as Azure Machine Learning Studio to train and deploy our model. We can also use Azure services such as Azure DevOps to automate the MLOps process.

Example of MLOps with GCP

The steps for building and deploying an ML model on GCP are similar to the steps for AWS and Azure. We can use GCP services such as Google Cloud Vertex AI to train and deploy our model. We can also use GCP services such as Cloud Build and Cloud Deployment Manager to automate the MLOps process.


ML Ops in Azure

Setting up MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) in Azure involves creating a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to manage machine learning models efficiently. Below, I'll provide a step-by-step guide to creating an MLOps pipeline in Azure using Azure Machine Learning Services, Azure DevOps, and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) as an example. This example assumes you already have an Azure subscription and some knowledge of Azure services. You can check out for FREE learning resources at

Step 1: Prepare Your Environment

Before you start, make sure you have the following:

- An Azure subscription.

- An Azure DevOps organization.

- Azure Machine Learning Workspace set up.

Step 2: Create an Azure DevOps Project

1. Go to Azure DevOps ( and sign in.

2. Create a new project that will host your MLOps pipeline.

Step 3: Set Up Your Azure DevOps Repository

1. In your Azure DevOps project, create a Git repository to store your machine learning project code.

Step 4: Create an Azure Machine Learning Experiment

1. Go to Azure Machine Learning Studio ( and sign in.

2. Create a new experiment or use an existing one to develop and train your machine learning model. This experiment will be the core of your MLOps pipeline.

Step 5: Create an Azure DevOps Pipeline

1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to Pipelines > New Pipeline.

2. Select the Azure Repos Git as your source repository.

3. Configure your pipeline to build and package your machine learning code. You may use a YAML pipeline script to define build and packaging steps.

Example YAML pipeline script (`azure-pipelines.yml`):

- main 
    vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' 
- script: 'echo Your build and package commands here'

4. Commit this YAML file to your Azure DevOps repository.

Step 6: Create an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Cluster

1. In the Azure portal, create an AKS cluster where you'll deploy your machine learning model. Note down the AKS cluster's connection details.

Step 7: Configure Azure DevOps for CD

1. In your Azure DevOps project, go to Pipelines > Releases.

2. Create a new release pipeline to define your CD process.

Step 8: Deploy to AKS

1. In your release pipeline, add a stage to deploy your machine learning model to AKS.

2. Use Azure CLI or kubectl commands in your release pipeline to deploy the model to your AKS cluster.

Example PowerShell Script to Deploy Model (`deploy-model.ps1`):

# Set Azure context and AKS credentials

az login --service-principal -u <your-service-principal-id> -p <your-service-principal-secret> --tenant <your-azure-tenant-id>

az aks get-credentials --resource-group <your-resource-group> --name <your-aks-cluster-name>

# Deploy the model using kubectl

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

3. Add this PowerShell script to your Azure DevOps release pipeline stage.

Step 9: Trigger CI/CD

1. Whenever you make changes to your machine learning code, commit and push the changes to your Azure DevOps Git repository.

2. The CI/CD pipeline will automatically trigger a build and deployment process.

Step 10: Monitor and Manage Your MLOps Pipeline

1. Monitor the CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps to track build and deployment status.

2. Use Azure Machine Learning Studio to manage your models, experiment versions, and performance.

This is a simplified example of setting up MLOps in Azure. In a real-world scenario, you may need to integrate additional tools and services, such as Azure DevTest Labs for testing, Azure Databricks for data processing, and Azure Monitor for tracking model performance. The exact steps and configurations can vary depending on your specific requirements and organization's needs.

However, if you are using say Python Flask REST API server application for users to interact. Then you can use the following changes.

To integrate your Flask application, which serves the machine learning models, into the same CI/CD pipeline as your machine learning models, you can follow these steps. Combining them into the same CI/CD pipeline can help ensure that your entire application, including the Flask API and ML models, stays consistent and updated together.

Step 1: Organize Your Repository

In your Git repository, organize your project structure so that your machine learning code and Flask application code are in separate directories, like this:


- my-ml-project/

  - ml-model/


    - requirements.txt

  - ml-api/


    - requirements.txt

  - azure-pipelines.yml


Step 2: Configure Your CI/CD Pipeline

Modify your `azure-pipelines.yml` file to include build and deploy steps for both your machine learning code and Flask application.

- main 
- '*' 
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' 
- stage: Build 
    - job: Build_ML_Model 
        - script:
            cd my-ml-project/ml-model 
            pip install -r requirements.txt 
            # Add any build steps for your ML model code here 
        displayName: 'Build ML Model' 
- job: Build_Flask_App 
    - script:
         cd my-ml-project/ml-api 
         pip install -r requirements.txt 
         # Add any build steps for your Flask app here 
    displayName: 'Build Flask App' 
- stage: Deploy 
    - job: Deploy_ML_Model 
        steps: - script:
         # Add deployment steps for your ML model here 
            displayName: 'Deploy ML Model' 
    - job: Deploy_Flask_App 
        - script:
         # Add deployment steps for your Flask app here 
        displayName: 'Deploy Flask App'

Step 3: Update Your Flask Application

Whenever you need to update your Flask application or machine learning models, make changes to the respective code in your Git repository.

Step 4: Commit and Push Changes

Commit and push your changes to the Git repository. This will trigger the CI/CD pipeline.

Step 5: Monitor and Manage Your CI/CD Pipeline

Monitor the CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps to track the build and deployment status of both your machine learning code and Flask application.

By integrating your Flask application into the same CI/CD pipeline, you ensure that both components are updated and deployed together. This approach simplifies management and maintains consistency between your ML models and the API serving them.

Photo by ThisIsEngineering

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