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Showing posts with the label decision trees

Basic Machine Learning Alogrithms

Here is a table of the machine learning algorithms, along with whether they are supervised or unsupervised learning algorithms: Algorithm Supervised Unsupervised Linear regression Supervised No Decision trees Supervised No Random forest Supervised No Ada boost Supervised No Gradient boost Supervised No Logistic regression Supervised No K-nearest neighbors (KNN) Supervised No Support vector machines (SVM) Supervised No K-means Unsupervised Yes Collaborative filtering Unsupervised Yes Principal component analysis (PCA) Unsupervised Yes In supervised learning, the algorithm is given labeled data, which means that the data is paired with the correct output. The algorithm then learns to map the input data to the output data. In unsupervised learning, the algorithm is not given labeled data. The algorithm must learn to find patterns in the data without any guidance. Here is a table of the above machine learning algorithms whether they can be used for regression or classification: Algorith...