There are a few different ways to get the cluster number for K-means. One way is to use the elbow method. The elbow method plots the sum of squared errors (SSE) for different values of K. The SSE is a measure of how well the data points are clustered. The elbow method works by finding the point where the SSE curve starts to bend sharply. This point is usually considered to be the optimal number of clusters.
Another way to get the cluster number for K-means is to use the silhouette coefficient. The silhouette coefficient is a measure of how well each data point is assigned to its cluster. The silhouette coefficient ranges from -1 to 1. A value of 1 indicates that the data point is perfectly assigned to its cluster, while a value of -1 indicates that the data point is misassigned. The optimal number of clusters is the one that produces the highest average silhouette coefficient.
Finally, you can also use the gap statistic to get the cluster number for K-means. The gap statistic is a measure of how well the data points are clustered compared to a random distribution. The gap statistic is calculated by comparing the SSE of the actual data to the SSE of a random distribution with the same number of clusters. The optimal number of clusters is the one that produces the largest gap statistic.
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each method:
- Elbow method:
- Advantage: It is simple to understand and implement.
- Disadvantage: It can be sensitive to the initialization of the clusters.
- Silhouette coefficient:
- Advantage: It is a more reliable measure of cluster quality than the elbow method.
- Disadvantage: It can be computationally expensive to calculate.
- Gap statistic:
- Advantage: It is a more robust measure of cluster quality than the elbow method and the silhouette coefficient.
- Disadvantage: It can be computationally expensive to calculate.
The best method to use depends on the specific dataset and the desired results.