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You are Aladin

Hi friend it is good time for Aladin Because you have "Chirag" the Magic LAMP. Now LAMP technology is its top position. It is becoming an indispensable for web 2. Even the big player in this field like Java etc.. tiding knot with LAMP for better and faster implementation of latest web technology. It can do a lot of thing which other would can think against a expensive solution only. I am using LAMP (linux, apache, mysql, PHP and lot of many tools ) for last 5+ years and make challenged with other technology to implement the same for less expensive way. Yes definitely I have had to think much more for it than them but satisfactory is the main thing. Do a lot of new things and open a new world with open source and of course with LAMP. Regards.

Security issue with PayPal

Hi friend as you know PayPal is one of the biggest player for online payment. Since you implement the paypal integration in your web site as developer or as webmaster etc. How you tackle the security issue when especially you handle the paypal button. Here some idea with sample code can help you. You can encrypt the paypal button by open ssl certificate with paypal certificate. 1. Step 1: create private key with open ssl from your linux/unix command prompt [make sure your server have open ssl installed] openssl genrsa -out my-prvkey.pem 1024 2. Step 2: Create public certificate [key + signature] openssl req -new -key my-prvkey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out my-pubcert.pem 3. Step 3: create paypal certificate to use encrypt the paypal button code To upload your public certificates to PayPal: 1. Log in to your Business or Premier account. 2. Click the Profile subtab. 3. In the Seller Preferences column, click Encrypted Payment Settings. 4. Click Add. 5. Click Browse, and select ...

Is anybody thinking for his society pay back

Now a days scarcity of those people who can pay back to his / her society. I think our society deserve something from us to get back, what it has spend on us. As eg. many people study on Govt. university on heavily subsidized fees and after completion they fly to their golden fortune. Never even think about his society he / she belongs and gave lot to stand where today he / she is. Though I cant remember any kind of help from either Govt. or else but still I think I have got many a thins and I should act on society. I am trying to make a rural BPO for years but for lack of funds and insecurity I could not implement. Though I gets lot of bright opportunity regularly from board and aboard as well but still I dream to do something for my backward society. Hope I also get some help from good wishers and one day my dream comes true. I will request you, friend to give back something to your society, and it is your duty. People often loves to tell their higher salary or earnings to boast. Bu...

How an idea can change

30 years ago Dr. E.F.Codd has though a revolutionary idea on how to store the data. At that time world couldn't think beyond hierarchical and networking structures to keep the data and manage the data. He was the first to think beyond this and invent the Relational Data Base Management theory. He wrote in a IBM journal in 1968/1969 his revolutionary rdbms rules. But unfortunately then IBM couldn't understood it's wild appeal in Information world. Took this idea by some one else and set up world biggest DBMS company and 2nd largest in software industry - ORACLE. An idea can change everything but we too need to understand, that some thinker think beyond their time. And I think imagination is the first step towards a revolutionary idea.

Project Management

We can utilize many tools like Work Break Down Structure chart to UML designing to Data Base management tools. But I think most valuable tool for Project Management is the ethics to handle and motivate team members in a positive attitude manner. A team member can too negative attitude that he/she can even leave the job or even leave the technology he/she is working at all. So first thing should put the positive attitude on team member that they have potential in the job and they have a bright carer in which they are doing. Beside everyday teach them or at least make their habit to learn new things continuously. I always make a person surrounding me not only a team member to boost their mind power so that they can think positive. This things are very very essential for success of a project including the whole team.

PHP heading on which way

PHP was started as a normal scripting language for web to use to create personal home page. Now it is becoming a giant in web languages. It can do any thing in ease like best languages. As it is growing with its power, using lot of new tools every day and shaping as fully object oriented structured way. Blog Directory Blog Directory Top Blogs