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Get Ready for DS & ML Career

  unplush Simply follow the steps below. Step 1: Probability & Stats Variables & Linear Algebra (Tensors) Python, TensorFlow (Tensor operations) Data Visualization (Tabular Data) Step 2: Learn about some concept. Exploring Advanced Computer Architectures and Programming Techniques: 1. Performance Enhancement Techniques: Diving into concepts like Pipelining, Super-scalar Processors, SIMD Vectorization, and Caches for optimizing computer architectures. 2. Harnessing Parallel Processing: Understanding the power of Multicore Architectures, GPUs, and Data Access Optimization to leverage parallelism. 3. Parallel Programming Paradigms: Exploring Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP, Message-Passing with MPI, CUDA for GPUs, and the distributed computing framework, MapReduce. Step 3: Learn The ML Process — How to solve a problem using data and algorithms? What are the problems solvable by ML/AI? What cannot be solved? Data Types and State of the Art Models Tabular Data — Gradient B...

Real-Time Data With IoT & MQTT

  unplush For real time data analysis we need real time data to be collected. I would like to share with you this small project for capturing real time temperature and humidity data from sensors and showing that in a local dashboard. You can connect to the real time data analysis dashboard as well. If you are interested in how to can read my other article  here . We will collect data by temperature and humidity sensor DHT11. Which is very small and cheap. However, work perfectly. We will be using a microcontroller Arduino with ESP8266 wifi on board. You can use Uno+WiFi R3 AtMega328p+NodeMSU ESP8266 8mb Memory USB-TTL CH340G Compatible for Arduino UNO Also, we need a local or  free  MQTT broker. And node-red. Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming. It makes it easy to wire together different hardware devices, APIs, and online services to create applications. Node-RED is a great tool for developers who want to create IoT applications quickly ...