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Reverse Image Search with Google Cloud

  Almost every marketplace e-commerse system now trying Machine Learning or Deep Learning to leverage their sales. Like recommendation system, trail room and reverse image search. What is reverse image search? Say you liked one shoe image at Instagram. Then you can scan that image and with the help of reverse image search will find out where you can buy the similar shoe. So this is really wonderful for marketplace companies as well. Also you referal marketing companies can use this reverse search engine as a powerful tool for them. Each search result link will be a deep link for a specific product into one e-commerce site. So when a person click on that link to go and purchase that product. Marketing company will earn the referral bonus as well. Lets start with Google Cloud Free version Setting up Vision API in your project. Go to your project browser and select one you want to work with in Google Cloud Platform. If no project exist then you ...

How to learn Machine Learning in 6 month

  Yes, this is enough time for you to start with Machine Learning application. Let begging with confidence and target. Prerequisite to learn Machine Learning Math and Statistics. Machine Learning algorithms based on some primary math and stat mainly. But also used Calculus and higher statistics as well. You can find the basic learning materials for machine learning prerequisite following For advance, the learner can find the following useful  [by world’s best Prof. Gilbert Strang] Hope most of the math and stat part you have already done in your school education. If not then kindly com...

Single income family person’s wages

We all know that it is going tough to survive or live happily without double income sources. But in many countries where jobs are not plenty and not secure at all. It is for most of us is one income, forced to adjust to living more than 3 people are general scenario. A business or organisations expect an employee who put his 100% effort, focus, mind to provide the best service or solutions. In this scenario, it is hardly possible to work only 8 or 9 hours a day to provide the same level of quality services. Most of the days end after 12 to 16 hours of hard work. Question is who look after all the needs of that employee including his family well being. The answer is simple his or her spouse. So the wages or so-called CTC or salary paid by an organisation is not a mere salary for one. It is actually divided into two parts. Then the end salary for each comes a very low and mere lowest possible for their effort and skill to make sure to provide always high-quality services to business. Man...

How to setup SSL with Docker

  I am trying to tell you the easiest way to set up SSL for your domain on any server. I have used this test #googlecloudplatform Create your instance [ ] Setup your domain name to instance [ ] Log in to your instance with SSH or similar facilities Go to the root of your application folder. Create a network by docker network create nginx Update your docker-compose file similar to this however nginx-prod and  certbot  is require version: "3.4" services: # Nginx reverse proxy nginx-prod: container_name: nginx-prod restart: always build: context: ./nginx dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: - 80:80 # for production - 443:443 volumes: - ./nginx/public_html:/public_html - ./nginx/dhparam:/etc/nginx/dhparam - ./certbot/conf/:/etc/nginx/ssl/ - ./certbot/data:/usr/share/nginx/html/letsencrypt networks: ...

Python Frameworks Comparison

  Flask Flask is very performant. Very flexible and doesn’t require users to use any particular project or code layout. Flask is simple and its core features are not difficult to learn. Flask doesn’t come with a built-in ORM framework. Developers can use one of many open source libraries or extensions. Such as Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Pony, etc. Ships with SQLAlchemy with Master Slave load Balancing. No built-in admin panel, but you can use the Flask-Admin extension. Supported via extensions such as Flask-RESTful, Flask-Classful, Flask-RESTPlus. Despite being a minimalist Framework, Flask does an excellent job of addressing common security concerns like CSRF, XSS, JSON security and more out of the box. 3rd party extensions like Flask-Security can be used for common security measures. Little built-in protection. Must be handled by developers themselves or by using 3rd party extensions. Flask uses Jinja2 out of the box. No built-in support but there is a Flask-WTF extension. For SQLAl...