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Usability of RIA with Flex

User Interface Design Principles 1. The Client Is Not The User The client may think she knows what the user wants, but she cannot. This is because the client is not the user. This brings me to the second principle: 2. Don't Give The Client What She Thinks The User Wants If the client does not know what the user wants and you give her what she is asking for, you are doing her a disservice. You will ultimately be delivering an application that does not meet user's needs. Your client may initially be happy that you have given her exactly what she asked for but will she remain happy when the product is rejected by users? I have seen too many designers and developers who are aware of these two principles but proceed to reach the wrong conclusion from it. Namely, that they know the user better. Which brings us to our next principle, which is, simply: 3. You Do Not Know What Your User Wants You may be a user interface designer or developer with many years of experience but yo...

Interview with Dries Buytaert, Creator of Drupal By David Peterson | April 28, 2010 | Web Tech

Drupalcon San Francisco — last week, David Peterson ( @davidseth ) caught up with Dries Buytaert ( @Dries ), the creator of Drupal, to discuss where Drupal is heading, what challenges are ahead and what keeps him going. Dries Buytaert: What do you want to talk about? David Peterson: I wanted to talk about where you see the big shifts happening — touching on Tim O’Reilly’s keynote address where he talked about the future of devices and cloud data. Also, I was in the Warner Brothers Drupalcon session and they said the biggest problem they were facing is not music piracy. It’s actually the fragmented way that people access content. The website is no longer the focal point; it’s actually the Nintendo Wii’s, the Xbox, PlayStations and mobile phones. So with that in mind, where do you see things going and how will Drupal facilitate that? DB: Right. DP: So let’s start with a very basic question. When do you think a stable beta version of Drupal 7 might land? DB: So, Drupal 7 has about a 100...

Difference between Drupal and Joomla

Anyone trying to evaluate open source content management systems is aware that there aren't a lot of recent, useful comparative reviews. What's surprising is that this issue is true even for such popular solutions as Drupal and Joomla. Stating in January that, "most comparisons of Drupal ( news , site ) and Joomla ( news , site ) conclude that you should select the one that best suits your needs. However, they give too little guidance about how to do that," Webology eBusiness Solutions set out to quantify the pros and cons of each by releasing a survey. The Survey The survey divided questions into five categories: Developers Documentation Performance/Functional Aspects Appearance Ease of Use/Learning Users were classified by their response to "CMS most experienced with," with those answering "Not Applicable/Don't Know" to this question being removed from the analysis. In general, the respondents were slanted a bit more toward Joomla users than...

Benefits of PHP Programming in Custom Web Development

The original full form of PHP is Personal Home Page but in programming sense it stands for Hyper Text Preprocessor. HTML is client side language means Browser translate the HTML code into the “byte code” that is easy to follow for a computer. The “byte code” then translated into the out put as we see on the screen for instance in to the Text or Image. Server side language in web development PHP is server side language means PHP has an interpreter that interprets PHP code into the HTML code for a browser means every time it writes the HTML for your PC’s browser from the server where it resides. That means it can generate HTML for so many browsers at a time. Rest of process is same for the HTML as we have discussed earlier, means HTML get translated in to the byte code and byte code in to the computer screen Text or Image. With server-side scripting languages, you don’t need anything adding to your browser or computer, as the interpreter inside the machine that hosts the particular Websi...