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NASA Open Source Software

NASA conducts research and development in software and software technology as an essential response to the needs of NASA missions. Under the NASA Software Release policy, NASA has several options for the release of NASA developed software technologies. These options now include Open Source software release. This option is under the NASA Open Source Agreement "NOSA". The motivations for NASA to distribute software codes Open Source are: To increase NASA software quality via community peer review To accelerate software development via community contributions To maximize the awareness and impact of NASA research To increase dissemination of NASA software in support of NASA's education mission Projects BigView BigView allows for interactive panning and zooming of images of arbitrary size on desktop PCs running linux. Additionally, it can work in a multi-screen environment where multiple PCs cooperate to ... CODE CODE is a software framework fo...

NASA Successfully Tests First Deep Space Internet

NASA has successfully tested the first deep space communications network modeled on the Internet. Working as part of a NASA-wide team, engineers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., used software called Disruption-Tolerant Networking, or DTN, to transmit dozens of space images to and from a NASA science spacecraft located about 20 million miles from Earth. "This is the first step in creating a totally new space communications capability, an interplanetary Internet," said Adrian Hooke, team lead and manager of space-networking architecture, technology and standards at NASA Headquarters in Washington. NASA and Vint Cerf, a vice president at Google Inc., in Mountain View, Calif., partnered 10 years ago to develop this software protocol. The DTN sends information using a method that differs from the normal Internet's Transmission-Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, communication suite, which Cerf co-designed. The Interplanetary Internet mu...

Switch from file get contents to curl

Introduction file_get_contents() is deprecated in favor of using the CURL libraries. You will occasionally run accross old code that uses the file_get_contents() that you want to use on servers with the file_get_contents functionality disabled. This shows how to convert from that function to the curl functions. [edit] file_get_contents code $data = file_get_contents($remoteurl); [edit] curl code //Initialize the Curl session $ch = curl_init(); //Set curl to return the data instead of printing it to the browser. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //Set the URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL); //Execute the fetch $data = curl_exec($ch); //Close the connection curl_close($ch); //$data now contains the contents of $URL

PHP, JSON and JavaScript usage

Today i want to introduce you to jSON (JavaScript Object Notation), in short, it is a simple format designed to exchange data between different programming languages. I will show you how to create JavaScript object, convert it to JSON string, and send to PHP script, which will decode jSON string to readable format (for PHP). But that’s not all, PHP script will create it’s own data object encode it to jSON string and send it back. All communication between JavaScript and PHP will be done thru AJAX. If you haven’t heared about jSON yet, then you can visit Wikipedia for more information. The other technology you need to be familiar with before reading this article is AJAX. If you need to, you can read my Introduction to AJAX post. Last note before we start, i am constantly working to make my articles as useful for you as possible, so beginning from this tutorial in each of my programming tutorials, at the end of the article you will find complete source code for download. JSON objects...

Google Checkout Integration for PHP

What is Payment Gateway integration? A payment gateway can be defined as a third party service, which is a combination of hardware and software that provides an interface to the bank credit card processing network. The credit card information is collected and is transferred over the Internet to the credit card processors in the encrypted format for transaction purpose. Some well-known payment gateways are AuthorizeNet, Google Checkout, USAePay, Verisign and Paypal. What is google checkout? Using Google checkout buying from stores across the web becomes simple and also facilitates you to keep track of all the orders. The Google Checkout’s fraud protection policy protects you against all the unauthorized purchases made via Google Checkout. Another advantage is that the Google Checkout does not share the history of the purchasers with other sellers. With Google checkout your email is well protected and is kept confidential. Tracking down...

File Upload by PHP - Ajax

AJAX FILE UPLOAD - Uploading local files with AJAX/Javascript to a server Many people say uploading files with AJAX is impossible! Well, they're wrong :-) Granted this solution only works with FireFox/Mozilla. And the user has to change a setting in "about:config" and accept the advanced access privileges. Anyway, such an AJAX file upload is only suitable for restricted area stuff, such as Content Management Systems, Group-Ware etc., so users can be briefed before actually using it. FireFox/Mozilla settings: Open about:config and check that signed.applets.codebase_principal_support is set to "true" Otherwise Firefox will display something like this Error: uncaught exception: A script from "" was denied UniversalXPConnect privileges. Also make sure you check the checkbox "Remember this decision", when FireFox will display this message A script from "" is requesting enhanced abilities that ...

Disable session IDs passed via URL

URL based session management does not only have additional security risks compared to cookie based session management, but it can cause also real problems when search engines index your pages. Your visitors may send an URL that contains an active session ID to their friends or they may save the URL that contains a session ID to their bookmarks and access your site with the same session ID always. The same way your visitors can store URL's with sessions ID's, search engines may index them as well, this means new users will access your site with an older session ID. But not only that, most search engines want to provide relevant results for their users, so different pages (URL's) with the same content can be penalized or even banned. We must all admit, SESSID or PHPSESSID added to the end of an URL doesn't look very nice and it's even not easy to remember. For this reason and all the above, you should disable URL based session management on your sites, and keep se...