Showing posts with label gcp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gcp. Show all posts



MLOps, short for Machine Learning Operations, is a critical function in the field of Machine Learning engineering. It focuses on streamlining the process of taking machine learning models from development to production and then maintaining and monitoring them. MLOps involves collaboration among data scientists, DevOps engineers, and IT professionals12.

Here are some key points about MLOps:

  1. Purpose of MLOps:

    • Streamlining Production: MLOps ensures a smooth transition of machine learning models from research environments to production systems.
    • Continuous Improvement: It facilitates experimentation, iteration, and continuous enhancement of the machine learning lifecycle.
    • Collaboration: MLOps bridges the gap between data engineering, data science, and ML engineering teams.
  2. Benefits of MLOps:

  3. Components of MLOps:

    • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Iteratively explore, share, and prepare data for the ML lifecycle.
    • Data Prep and Feature Engineering: Transform raw data into features suitable for model training.
    • Model Training and Tuning: Develop and fine-tune ML models.
    • Model Review and Governance: Ensure model quality and compliance.
    • Model Inference and Serving: Deploy models for predictions.
    • Model Monitoring: Continuously monitor model performance.
    • Automated Model Retraining: Update models as new data becomes available1.

Regarding deploying ML applications into the cloud, several cloud providers offer services for model deployment. Here are some options:

  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS):

    • Amazon SageMaker: Provides tools for building, training, and deploying ML models.
    • AWS Lambda: Serverless compute service for running code in response to events.
    • Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service): Deploy ML models in containers.
    • Amazon EC2: Deploy models on virtual machines5.
  3. Microsoft Azure:

    • Azure Machine Learning: End-to-end ML lifecycle management.
    • Azure Functions: Serverless compute for event-driven applications.
    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Deploy models in containers.
    • Azure Virtual Machines: Deploy models on VMs5.

Let’s walk through an end-to-end example of deploying a machine learning model using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). In this scenario, we’ll create a simple sentiment analysis model and deploy it as a web service.

End-to-End Example: Sentiment Analysis Model Deployment on GCP

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:

    • Gather a dataset of text reviews (e.g., movie reviews).
    • Preprocess the data by cleaning, tokenizing, and converting text into numerical features.
  2. Model Development:

    • Train a sentiment analysis model (e.g., using natural language processing techniques or pre-trained embeddings).
    • Evaluate the model’s performance using cross-validation.
  3. Model Export:

    • Save the trained model in a format suitable for deployment (e.g., a serialized file or a TensorFlow SavedModel).
  4. Google Cloud Setup:

    • Create a GCP account if you don’t have one.
    • Set up a new project in GCP.
  5. Google App Engine Deployment:

    • Create a Flask web application that accepts text input.
    • Load the saved model into the Flask app.
    • Deploy the Flask app to Google App Engine.
    • Expose an API endpoint for sentiment analysis.
  6. Testing the Deployment:

    • Send HTTP requests to the deployed API endpoint with sample text.
    • Receive sentiment predictions (positive/negative) as responses.
  7. Monitoring and Scaling:

    • Monitor the deployed app for performance, errors, and usage.
    • Scale the app based on demand (e.g., auto-scaling with App Engine).
  8. Access Control and Security:

    • Set up authentication and authorization for the API.
    • Ensure secure communication (HTTPS).
  9. Maintenance and Updates:

    • Regularly update the model (retrain with new data if needed).
    • Monitor and address any issues that arise.
  10. Cost Management:

    • Monitor costs associated with the deployed app.
    • Optimize resources to minimize expenses.

Let’s walk through an end-to-end example of deploying a machine learning model using Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML). In this scenario, we’ll create a simple sentiment analysis model and deploy it as a web service.

End-to-End Example: Sentiment Analysis Model Deployment on Azure ML

  1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:

    • Gather a dataset of text reviews (e.g., movie reviews).
    • Preprocess the data by cleaning, tokenizing, and converting text into numerical features.
  2. Model Development:

    • Train a sentiment analysis model (e.g., using natural language processing techniques or pre-trained embeddings).
    • Evaluate the model’s performance using cross-validation.
  3. Model Export:

    • Save the trained model in a format suitable for deployment (e.g., a serialized file or a TensorFlow SavedModel).
  4. Azure ML Setup:

    • Create an Azure ML workspace if you don’t have one.
    • Set up your environment with the necessary Python packages and dependencies.
  5. Register the Model:

    • Use Azure ML SDK to register your trained model in the workspace.
  6. Create an Inference Pipeline:

    • Define an inference pipeline that includes data preprocessing and model scoring steps.
    • Specify the entry script that loads the model and performs predictions.
  7. Deploy the Model:

    • Deploy the inference pipeline as a web service using Azure Container Instances or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
    • Obtain the scoring endpoint URL.
  8. Testing the Deployment:

    • Send HTTP requests to the deployed API endpoint with sample text.
    • Receive sentiment predictions (positive/negative) as responses.
  9. Monitoring and Scaling:

    • Monitor the deployed service for performance, errors, and usage.
    • Scale the service based on demand.
  10. Access Control and Security:

    • Set up authentication and authorization for the API.
    • Ensure secure communication (HTTPS).
  11. Maintenance and Updates:

    • Regularly update the model (retrain with new data if needed).
    • Monitor and address any issues that arise.

You can get more details there on the internet. However, you can start with the first basic and then take one cloud and practice some. 


Data Pipeline with AWS


Image: AWS [not directly related to this article]

I saw that many people are interested in learning and creating a Data Pipeline in the cloud. To start with very simple project ideas for learning purposes I am providing some inputs which will definitely help you.

A project focused on extracting and analyzing data from the Twitter API can be applied in various contexts and for different purposes. Here are some contexts in which such a project can be valuable:

1. Social Media Monitoring and Marketing Insights:

   - Businesses can use Twitter data to monitor their brand mentions and gather customer feedback.

   - Marketers can track trends and consumer sentiment to tailor their campaigns.

2. News and Event Tracking:

   - Journalists and news organizations can track breaking news and emerging trends on Twitter.

   - Event organizers can monitor social media activity during events for real-time insights.

3. Political Analysis and Opinion Polling:

   - Researchers and political analysts can analyze Twitter data to gauge public opinion on political topics.

   - Pollsters can conduct sentiment analysis to predict election outcomes.

4. Customer Support and Feedback:

   - Companies can use Twitter data to provide customer support by responding to inquiries and resolving issues.

   - Analyzing customer feedback on Twitter can lead to product or service improvements.

5. Market Research and Competitor Analysis:

   - Businesses can track competitors and market trends to make informed decisions.

   - Analysts can identify emerging markets and opportunities.

6. Sentiment Analysis and Mood Measurement:

   - Researchers and psychologists can use Twitter data to conduct sentiment analysis and assess the mood of a community or society.

7. Crisis Management:

   - During a crisis or disaster, organizations and government agencies can monitor Twitter for real-time updates and public sentiment.

8. Influencer Marketing:

   - Businesses can identify and collaborate with social media influencers by analyzing user engagement and influence metrics.

9. Customized Data Solutions:

   - Data enthusiasts can explore unique use cases based on their specific interests and objectives, such as tracking weather events, sports scores, or niche communities.

The Twitter API provides a wealth of data, including tweets, user profiles, trending topics, and more. By extracting and analyzing this data, you can gain valuable insights and respond to real-time events and trends.

The key to a successful Twitter data project is defining clear objectives, selecting relevant data sources, applying appropriate analysis techniques, and maintaining data quality and security. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind the ethical considerations of data privacy and use when working with social media data.

The Twitter End To End Data Pipeline project is a well-designed and implemented solution for extracting, transforming, loading, and analyzing data from the Twitter API using Amazon Web Services (AWS). However, there are always opportunities for improvement. Below, I'll outline some potential steps and AWS tools:

1. Real-time Data Streaming or ingestion: The current pipeline extracts data from the Twitter API daily. To provide real-time or near-real-time insights, consider incorporating real-time data streaming services like Amazon Kinesis to ingest data continuously.

2. Data Validation and Quality Checks: Implement data validation and quality checks in the pipeline to ensure that the data extracted from the Twitter API is accurate and complete. AWS Glue can be extended for data validation tasks.

3. Data Transformation Automation: Instead of manually creating Lambda functions for data transformation, explore AWS Glue ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) jobs. Glue ETL jobs are more efficient, and they can automatically perform data transformations.

4. Data Lake Optimization: Optimize the data lake storage in Amazon S3 by considering data partitioning and compression. This can improve query performance when using Amazon Athena.

5. Serverless Orchestration: Consider using AWS Step Functions for serverless orchestration of your data pipeline. It can manage the flow of data and ensure each step is executed in the right order.

6. Data Versioning: Implement data versioning and metadata management to track changes in the dataset over time. This can be crucial for auditing and understanding data evolution.

7. Automated Schema Updates: Automate schema updates in AWS Glue to reflect changes in the Twitter API data structure. This can be particularly useful if the API changes frequently.

8. Data Security and Compliance: Enhance data security by implementing encryption at rest and in transit. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations by incorporating AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

9. Monitoring and Alerting: Set up comprehensive monitoring and alerting using AWS CloudWatch for pipeline health and performance. Consider using Amazon S3 access logs to track access to your data in S3.

10. Serverless Data Analysis: Explore serverless data analysis services like AWS Lambda and Amazon QuickSight to perform ad-hoc data analysis or to create dashboards for business users.

11. Cost Optimization: Implement cost optimization strategies, such as utilizing lifecycle policies in S3 to transition data to lower-cost storage classes when it's no longer actively used.

12. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Develop a backup and disaster recovery strategy for the data stored in S3. Consider automated data backups to a different AWS region for redundancy.

13. Scalability: Ensure that the pipeline can handle increased data volumes as the project grows. Autoscaling and optimizing the Lambda functions are important.

14. Error Handling and Retry Mechanisms: Implement error handling and retry mechanisms in the pipeline to handle failures gracefully and ensure data integrity.

15. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Create comprehensive documentation for the pipeline, including setup, configuration, and maintenance procedures. Share knowledge within the team for seamless collaboration.

16. Cross-Platform Support: Ensure that the data pipeline is compatible with different platforms and devices by considering data format standardization and compatibility.

17. Data Visualization: Consider using AWS services like Amazon QuickSight or integrate with third-party data visualization tools for more user-friendly data visualization and reporting.

These projects aim to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of the data pipeline, as well as to ensure data quality, security, and compliance. The choice of improvements to implement depends on the specific needs and goals of the project.

As I said will be using AWS for this project. In the Twitter End To End Data Pipeline project, several AWS tools and services are used to build and manage the data pipeline. Each tool plays a specific role in the pipeline's architecture. Here are the key tools and their roles in the project:

1. Twitter API: To access the Twitter API, you need to create a Twitter Developer account and set up a Twitter App. This will provide you with API keys and access tokens. The Twitter API is the data source, providing access to information about artists, albums, and songs from specified playlists.

2. Python: Python is used as the programming language to create scripts for data extraction and transformation.

3. Amazon CloudWatch: Amazon CloudWatch is used to monitor the performance and health of the data pipeline. It can be configured to trigger pipeline processes at specific times or based on defined events.

4. AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service used to build a serverless data processing pipeline. Lambda functions are created to extract data from the Twitter API and perform data transformation tasks.

5. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Amazon S3 is used as the data lake for storing the data extracted from the Twitter API. It acts as the central storage location for the raw and transformed data.

6. AWS Glue Crawler: AWS Glue Crawler is used to discover and catalogue data in Amazon S3. It analyzes the data to generate schemas, making it easier to query data with Amazon Athena.

7. AWS Glue Data Catalog: AWS Glue Data Catalog serves as a central repository for metadata, including data stored in Amazon S3. It simplifies the process of discovering, understanding, and using the data by providing metadata and schema information.

8. Amazon Athena: Amazon Athena is a serverless interactive query service that allows users to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL queries. It enables data analysis without the need for traditional data warehouses.

Now, let's discuss the roles of these tools in each step of the project:

Step 1: Extraction from the Twitter API

- Python is used to create a script that interacts with the Twitter API, retrieves data, and formats it into JSON.

- AWS Lambda runs the Python script, and it's triggered by Amazon CloudWatch daily.

- The extracted data is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket in the "raw_data" folder.

Step 2: Data Transformation

- A second AWS Lambda function is triggered when new data is added to the S3 bucket.

- This Lambda function takes the raw data, extracts information about albums, artists, and songs, and stores this data in three separate CSV files.

- These CSV files are placed in different folders within the "transformed_data" folder in Amazon S3.

Step 3: Data Schema

- Three AWS Glue Crawlers are created, one for each CSV file. They analyze the data and generate schemas for each entity.

- AWS Glue Data Catalog stores the metadata and schema information.

Step 4: Data Analysis

- Amazon Athena is a query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. It is serverless and does not require any infrastructure to set up or manage. With Athena, you can quickly and easily query your data without the need for complex ETL processes or expensive data warehousing solutions. It is used for data analysis. It allows users to perform SQL queries on the data in Amazon S3 based on the schemas generated by AWS Glue Crawlers.

In summary, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, AWS Glue, and Amazon Athena play key roles in extracting, transforming, and analyzing data from the Twitter API. Amazon CloudWatch is used for scheduling and triggering pipeline processes. Together, these AWS tools form a scalable and efficient data pipeline for the project.

Using Amazon S3 as both an intermediate and final storage location is a common architectural pattern in data pipelines for several reasons:

1. Data Durability: Amazon S3 is designed for high durability and availability. It provides 11 nines (99.999999999%) of durability, meaning that your data is highly unlikely to be lost. This is crucial for ensuring data integrity, especially in data pipelines where data can be lost or corrupted if not stored in a highly durable location.

2. Data Transformation Flexibility: By storing raw data in Amazon S3 before transformation, you maintain a copy of the original data. This allows for flexibility in data transformation processes. If you directly store data in a database like DynamoDB, you might lose the original format, making it challenging to reprocess or restructure data if needed.

3. Scalability: Amazon S3 is highly scalable and can handle massive amounts of data. This makes it well-suited for storing large volumes of raw data, especially when dealing with data from external sources like the Twitter API.

4. Data Versioning: Storing data in Amazon S3 allows you to implement data versioning and historical data tracking. You can easily maintain different versions of your data, which can be useful for auditing and troubleshooting.

5. Data Lake Architecture: Amazon S3 is often used as the foundation of a data lake architecture. Data lakes store raw, unstructured, or semi-structured data, which can then be processed, transformed, and loaded into more structured data stores like databases (e.g., DynamoDB) or data warehouses.

While it's technically possible to directly store data in DynamoDB, it's not always the best choice for all types of data, especially raw data from external sources. DynamoDB is a NoSQL database designed for fast, low-latency access to structured data. It's well-suited for specific use cases, such as high-speed, low-latency applications and structured data storage.

In a data pipeline architecture, the use of S3 as an intermediate storage layer provides a level of separation between raw data and processed data, making it easier to manage and process data efficiently. DynamoDB can come into play when you need to store structured, processed, and queryable data for specific application needs.

Overall, the use of Amazon S3 as an intermediate storage layer is a common and practical approach in data pipelines that ensures data durability, flexibility, and scalability. It allows you to maintain the integrity of the original data while providing a foundation for various data processing and analysis tasks.

For related articles, you can search in this blog. If you are interested in end-to-end boot camp kindly keep in touch with me. Thank you.

Generative AI with Google Vertex AI



Generative AI models, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) or autoregressive models, learn from large datasets and use the learned patterns to generate new and realistic content. These models have the ability to generate text, images, or other forms of data that possess similar characteristics to the training data. Generative AI has found applications in various fields, including creative arts, content generation, virtual reality, data augmentation, and more.

Few examples of how generative AI is applied in different domains:

1. Text Generation: Generative AI models can be used to generate creative and coherent text, such as writing stories, poems, or articles. They can also assist in chatbot development, where they generate responses based on user inputs.

2. Image Synthesis: Generative AI models like GANs can create realistic images from scratch or transform existing images into new forms, such as generating photorealistic faces or creating artistic interpretations.

3. Music Composition: Generative AI can compose original music pieces based on learned patterns and styles from a large music dataset. These models can generate melodies, harmonies, and even entire compositions in various genres.

4. Video Generation: Generative AI techniques can synthesize new videos by extending or modifying existing video content. They can create deepfakes, where faces are replaced or manipulated, or generate entirely new video sequences.

5. Virtual Reality and Gaming: Generative AI can enhance virtual reality experiences and game development by creating realistic environments, characters, and interactive elements.

6. Data Augmentation: Generative AI can generate synthetic data samples to augment existing datasets, helping to improve the performance and generalization of machine learning models.

These are just a few examples, and the applications of generative AI continue to expand as researchers and developers explore new possibilities in content generation and creativity.

Today I will show you how to use Google Cloud Vertex AI to know how to use it for different types of prompts and configurations.

Vertex AI Studio is a Google Cloud console tool for rapidly prototyping and testing generative AI models. You can test sample prompts, design your own prompts, and customize foundation models to handle tasks that meet your application’s needs.

Here are some of the features of Vertex AI Studio:

  • Chat interface: You can interact with Vertex AI Studio using a chat interface. This makes it easy to experiment with different prompts and see how they affect the output of the model.
  • Prompt design: You can design your own prompts to control the output of the model. This allows you to create specific outputs, such as poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.
  • Prompt tuning: You can tune the prompts that you design to improve the output of the model. This allows you to get the most out of the model and create the outputs that you want.
  • Foundation models: Vertex AI Studio provides a variety of foundation models that you can use to get started with generative AI. These models are pre-trained on large datasets, so you don’t need to train your own model from scratch.
  • Deployment: Once you are satisfied with the output of your model, you can deploy it to production. This allows you to use the model in your applications and make it available to other users.

Vertex AI Studio is a powerful tool for rapidly prototyping and testing generative AI models. It is easy to use and provides a variety of features that allow you to create the outputs that you want.

Here are some of the benefits of using Vertex AI Studio:

  • Quickly prototype and test generative AI models: Vertex AI Studio makes it easy to quickly prototype and test generative AI models. You can use the chat interface to experiment with different prompts and see how they affect the output of the model. You can also design your own prompts and tune them to improve the output of the model.
  • Deploy models to production: Once you are satisfied with the output of your model, you can deploy it to production. This allows you to use the model in your applications and make it available to other users.
  • Cost-effective: Vertex AI Studio is a cost-effective way to develop and deploy generative AI models. You only pay for the resources that you use, so you can save money by only running the model when you need it.

If you are looking for a way to quickly prototype and test generative AI models, or if you want to deploy a generative AI model to production, then Vertex AI Studio is a good option.

Lets start. Open your google cloud console. If you dont have account you can open a FREE account by clicking above.

Enable the Vertex AI API by

Create prompt by clicking on Generative AI Studio. Then select Promt from right pen and then select Language from the left pen.

Prompt design. There are three different types of prompt can be design

Zero-shot prompting

One-shot prompting

Few-shot prompting

You may also notice the FREE-FORM and STRUCTURED tabs.

Click on Text Prompt

You can see the right side several different parameters can be tuned. Let get know about them below.

  • Temperature is a hyperparameter that controls the randomness of the sampling process. A higher temperature will result in more random samples, while a lower temperature will result in more deterministic samples.
  • Token limit is the maximum number of tokens that can be generated at a time. This is useful for preventing the model from generating too much text, which can be helpful for preventing the model from going off topic.
  • Top k sampling is a sampling method that only considers the top k most likely tokens for each step in the generation process. This can help to improve the quality of the generated text by preventing the model from generating low-quality tokens.
  • Top p sampling is a sampling method that only considers tokens whose cumulative probability is greater than or equal to p. This can help to improve the diversity of the generated text by preventing the model from generating only the most likely tokens.

These hyperparameters can be used together to control the generation process and produce text that is both high-quality and diverse.

Here are some additional details about each hyperparameter:

  • Temperature

The temperature hyperparameter can be thought of as a measure of how “confident” the model is in its predictions. A higher temperature will result in more random samples, while a lower temperature will result in more deterministic samples.

For example, if the temperature is 1.0, the model will always choose the token with the highest probability. However, if the temperature is 0.5, the model will be more likely to choose tokens with lower probabilities.

  • Token limit

The token limit hyperparameter can be thought of as a measure of how long the generated text should be. A higher token limit will result in longer generated text, while a lower token limit will result in shorter generated text.

For example, if the token limit is 10, the model will generate a maximum of 10 tokens. However, if the token limit is 20, the model will generate a maximum of 20 tokens.

  • Top k sampling

Top k sampling is a sampling method that only considers the top k most likely tokens for each step in the generation process. This can help to improve the quality of the generated text by preventing the model from generating low-quality tokens.

For example, if k is 10, the model will only consider the 10 most likely tokens for each step in the generation process. This can help to prevent the model from generating tokens that are not relevant to the topic at hand.

  • Top p sampling

Top p sampling is a sampling method that only considers tokens whose cumulative probability is greater than or equal to p. This can help to improve the diversity of the generated text by preventing the model from generating only the most likely tokens.

For example, if p is 0.75, the model will only consider tokens whose cumulative probability is greater than or equal to 0.75. This can help to prevent the model from generating only the most common tokens.

I hope this helps!

Above created one prompt and when submit got the response. Now let try Structure Text prompting.

So you can provide some example of input and output to make the response much better.

If you want to get the python code by SDK then click on view code.

Now if you want to clean all by disabling the Vertext AI API then click on the Manage.

Thank you hope this will help.

Handling Large Binary Data with Azure Synapse

  Photo by Gül Işık Handling large binary data in Azure Synapse When dealing with large binary data types like geography or image data in Az...